⚕ no where to be seen ⚕

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Gabriel was known for his grand parties and balls. Over the time I had met a few Hogwarts students, each one more boastful than the last. Bragging about how well they were doing in school or how their parents had bought them the best broom on the market for quidditch. But they always brought up one thing, two things actually, two people.
Harry Potter and Mattheo Riddle.
Now this always confused me, how can you go to school with the son of the man who murdered your parents? How is the son of a cold blooded killer even allowed at Hogwarts? Was Mattheo Riddle like his father?
I watched my brother chat to some boys on his table already fitting in.
Being in slytherin wasn't that big of a deal to me, but I knew it would be a big deal to some.
My thoughts were cut off by a black haired girl sitting in front of me snapping me back to reality.
"Pansy Parkinson" she smiled.
I smiled back "Ruby Hunt."
"I know. So...slytherin? Thats unexpected." She asked with an awkward smile.
I laughed widening my eyes replying with a sigh.
"Well I just got told we are going to be roommates so I thought I should say hey and stuff...do you want to meet my friends?"
I shrugged seeing as this as one of my only opportunities to make friends so soon. "Yeah sure."
I never really had many friends, a few kids I kept in contact with from parties at the manor but those didn't last. It was just me and Luis. After my dad left my mum hated being alone so she never sent us to school, I didn't mind but now I'm here I'm realising how much I missed out on.
"Hey guys this is Ruby, my new roomate" Pansy said as she pulled me down to the seat next to her.
"Hey" I said looking at everyone with a polite smile.
"I'm Blaise" A tall smiley boy across me slightly putting his hand up.
"Draco" another leaned in closer to Blaise. The boy from earlier with the blondest hair I have ever seen.
He then slapped another boys shoulder who was filling his mouth full of food. He jumped and looked up at me.
"Alright" he mumbled smiling mouth full making me laugh.
"Thats Theo." Pansy sighed as he bit down on more chicken.
I saw Mattheo sat here earlier but he was no where to be seen.
"So your Gabriel Hunts daughter right." Blaise started.
"Step daughter."
"I heard he's a cunt." Theo declared licking his fingers everyone facing him wide eyed.
"Sorry." he said pulling his thumb out his mouth awkwardly.
I scoffed "you're not wrong."

"They all seem really nice." Me and Pansy are walking through the corridors together.
"I've known them all forever. It will be nice to have another girl in the group though." She said linking her arm with mine.
Our dorm was minimalistic, two single beds, a bathroom, desk and massive window.
"I gave you the bed by the window, I need the bathroom a lot in the night so I thought it was best if I had that one, it might get a bit cold though sorry."
I nodded "It's no problem."
I hated the cold. Absolutely hated it.
"So" Pansy began as she threw herself on her bed. "Slytherin have the best parties, obviously, Hufflepuff is a close second. But Ravenclaw has the cutest boys, well at least I think so, and they're the best in bed." She giggled.
I lay back into my bed. "Gross." I laughed.
She put her hands up "I'm just saying."
"You should be in classes with at least one of us so you will find your way around quick enough. We're allowed to like hogsmead and stuff on weekends." She continued giving me a run down of the school, what to do, what not to do.

It was late in the evening and everyone was sat together in the common room around the fire place.
"Nah I'm telling you Luna wants me so bad." Theo started making us all giggle.
"The girl doesn't even wears shoes Theo..." Draco looked at him in disbelief shaking his head while the rest of us laughed.
"Well I've always had a thing for f- ooooh look who's finally decided to join us."
In walked Mattheo Riddle. He looked like he just rolled out of bed, tie loose, top shirt buttons undone, messy hair.
"And what poor girl did you fall into this time Mattheo." Pansy said with a sarcastic grin.
But Mattheo wasn't smiling.
He was glaring straight at me with such disgust in his eyes. It made my skin crawl. I could feel the hatred oozing out of him flowing across the cold floor, almost like I could drown in it with one look.
Then all he did was scoff and leave muttering something under his breath. And that was it.
"What did I do?" I questioned.
"Nothing, don't worry about it it's just Mattheo being Mattheo."
"Is it because of my step dad." I said moving my hand as I spoke.
No one said anything.
"It's whatever Ruby don't take it personally." Pansy nudged me.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.
Blaise then broke the silence.
"So party on Friday, what are we thinking?
Nods and yeses came from the group agreeing with Blaise.
But all I could think about was Mattheo. He looked at me with such revulsion making me feel so small, making me feel ashamed to even be inside my own body. Who knew a 20 second look could make someone feel like this.

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