⚕ changed ⚕

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•Luis Hunt•
(Time skip)
My sister was always selfless.
She was the "quiet" twin, she always dealt with things on her own.
I guess that might be the fact she didn't really have anyone to speak to, there's only so much I could help her with. Saying that and after spending two weeks at Hogwarts I have seen a side to her I never realised existed.
Since hanging around this slytherin lot she's changed.
The party last Friday she was different. Like something flipped.
When I saw her with that black haired girl she was sloppy, drunk, just making a fool of herself.
So I left.
I'm not sure who she's trying to prove herself to but I don't like it.
And now I'm standing in a crowd watching her fight some hufflepuff
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" My sister shrieked.
"I know you slept with him you slag!" The other said pinning her to the floor.
"Get off me you fucking filthy mudblood!"
what did she say.
Everyone either gasped, laughed or went silent letting their shocked faces speak for them.
I pushed myself through the group and grabbed Ruby, who had managed to roll over, by the arm and pulled her away from everyone.
"Luis what the fuck are you doing!?"
"What am I doing, what the fuck are you doing!" I snapped back letting her arm drop standing in an empty corridor.
"What do you mean? She just went for me!"
"Oh and why's that then Ruby, because from what I heard you fucking shagged her boyfriend!"
She just rolled her eyes at me shaking her head.
"Yes because that's definitely true."
She answered with her usual sarcasm.
"Well I wouldn't be surprised since you're hanging round with that Parkinson girl, the boys on my team have got quite a few stories about her." I spat and her face dropped.
"Oh wow Luis, real nice. You're sounding like a proper twat you know."
"I'm sounding like a twat? Can we just go back to the fucking name you called that girl."
"Well I didn't lie." She said with a laugh.
"So it's funny now, god you sound just like Gabriel."
Her eyebrows scrunched and her eyes softened. And with a sigh she shoved past me and left.
She was nothing like Gabriel, at all.
Part of me felt regretful for what I had said but I know no one else was going to tell her the truth. When she was sorted into slytherin I was shocked to say the least. But I was worried more than anything else, not that it's a big deal I just knew what Gabriel would be like.
I'm guessing this is some way to get back at him, but I don't know anymore.
But the thing is I'm doing well here, like really well. I have made loads of friends, I'm on the quiditch team and keeping on top of school work.
Yet I hated myself for it.
I hated the fact I was doing everything he wanted me to do, and I hated the fact I was enjoying it even more.

Ruby was a year younger than me but you would have never guessed. Shes always looked after me. I remember when we first moved in with Gabriel.
"Mum?" Ruby tapped on the door quietly me standing behind her.
"Mum are you okay?" She knocked again a bit harsher forcing the door open.
And there she was crouched on the end of her bed crying, blood dripping from her nose.
"ALICE!" A far too familiar voice bellowed from somewhere in the house which made my mum jump out of her skin.
And then Ruby grabbed my hand and ran. We ran down the never ending spiral stairs, through the dated rooms until we were in the garden, and we kept running.
The lights from the house got smaller and smaller and we just kept going. I don't know why she didn't stop, she dodged every tree, missed every stick on the floor like she's been here a million times and I just kept following her.
She eventually dropped my hand and fell to the floor laughing.
"What's funny?" I said with a giggle anyway.
"I don't even know." She answered the laugh dying out.
Then she started to tear up until she was fully crying. I didn't really know what to do so I just stood there. Now looking back I wish I at least hugged her or something but no, I just stood there.
Eventually we were walking back since we probably got hungry and the woods were scary at night.
"I wish things would go back to how they were." I said.
"Me too."~

"Are you Gabriel Hunts kid?" Another Gryfindor boy asked.
"What?" I snapped out of my day dream to answer him.
"Are you like Gabriel Hunts son?"
"No." I quickly walked away from him.
I paced the corridors thinking about how much of a dickhead he was. If I could kill one person in the world it would be Gabriel Hunt.
Then I started to think about my
My real dad.
Since being here I'm told how much I look like him by almost every teacher at least once a day.
I was thinking how little I know about him. What house could he have been in? What was his favourite subject? Did he play quidditch like me? Were him and Gabriel once frie-
"Luis Hunt?"
I stopped instantly.
"Oh professor Dumbledore, hello."
He smiled and looked me up and down.
"I've been needing to speak with you can you please join me in my office."

cold| mattheo riddle ⚕Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang