Mishti - A tragic incident

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Life is so unpredictable it's always cruel . Who knew a small incident take my whole life.

I don't know wheather my family was alive or not ... I don't even know where I am right now ... But it seems like I am in a cage . I think someone is coming and I am hella terrified.

The door opened with a screeching noise and I hear unexpectedly pleasant voice of a lady. She is coming closer with little steps I don't know what she is upto . She sat beside me and I got away a little from her yet she softly asked "how are you my child" Her voice reminds me of my mother, it's sweet and high pitch yet so warm. My tears starts brimming through my eyes and I can't control my tears. With a worried tone she again asked "what happened child why are you crying" and start consoling me. I couldn't control myself and hugged her, it felt nice. Then I said "I don't know anything where am I and where my parents is ... A small incident took away all the things away from me, am I that bad that I don't deserve kindness?". I asked as I started to sob uncontrollably.

I could see her eyes enlarging by my words as she hugged me sorrowfully and said "dear , I don't know what happened and I know you are not in state to say anything but can you please trust me".  I looked into her brown eyes which was teary and said " i-i don't know but I trust you", I said this because I felt a familiar feeling from her which I once felt with my mother , her hug was soo warm and nice ,I did not even wanted to move an inch. "Will you come and stay with me?", Said the lady who's eyes was once teary but now it changed into a hopeful stare. I couldn't process it, I just lost my world , my everything how can I be soo selfish? , my thoughts got interrupted as the lady said something to me, "you deserve whole world,darling. Do trust me , or am I not trustworthy enough?" She said as her eyes started to glisten. I panicked and quickly said," n-no no-o , it's not that ,I do trust you it's just that I feel that I am becoming selfish. I might start a new life b-but what about my parents and my friends. They are very special to me"

After hearing such words the lady smiled and said "You are not being selfish,you are helping a woman who can't give birth by being her daughter, her everything. You are being very kind and strong as you consider your parents feeling aswell but see I don't even have any child so that someone will consider my feelings aswell". The lady started to sob uncontrollably. This sight made my heart soft and I said something that I can't believe. I said, "now you don't worry, from now on I am you daughter. You are my mom II now and I promise you I'll keep my words". This made the teary woman hug the little me , I was so small compared to her. Everything seems to get jumbled but let everything keep aside because now I have to take care of my mom II and I have to find my biological mom aswell. I might have taken a new responsibilities in my life but I won't forget my old responsibilities. I will find my parents, I have to.

Thinking all of this bring tears in my eyes. One tragic incident can change everything. I hugged the lady tightly with my palm. She hugged me even close to herself. Soon my thoughts stopped and I got no tears left to cry yet I still kept my eyes close and soon darkness took control over me and I didn't even get to know that I fall asleep on her lap but I could feel that she carried me swiftly in her arms outside of the cage into her comfortable car. I could feel presence of her beside me as car started to move.


I opened my eyes and saw my surroundings. I was on a bed and the room was bit dusty . My stomach was making terrible noises as I didn't ate  anything since yesterday. I got up and cleaned myself bit. I went towards the door and opened it . My heartbeat became very fast. My mom saw me and introduced me to her family members which ultimately now my family members too .

There was one boy aka my cousin brother named naksh and my cousin sister named Tara . Idk why Tara is giving me deathly glare but anyways I move towards the chair and going to sit but someone interrupt. Oops okay the someone is my sister Tara "why are u here, for money or what" said by her . What the hell she mean by money. I ignored her and sit on chair . "Don't you dare to ignore me miss ... Whatever" said by my sweet sister. I politely replied "it's nothing like that Tara , don't judge me". Tara rolled her eyes and said "aunt is too kind that's why you got her trapped in your words" . Her words hurts me soo badly. I'm going to reply but cut by my brother naksh "Tara behave is this the way to talk and mishti please don't mind her words . She is just being stupid" I smiled and said "it's fine"

I am having my breakfast with lots of thoughts in my mind. I don't know how they find me , what exactly happened to me , I know I'm too young to understand all this afterall I am just 12 years old . I don't remember Anything clearly from my past life . This is because due to the incident which happened yesterday. I only remember I was the princess of udaipur and my parents are the friends of the king of Maharashtra. Also I remember that uncle have one son . Who was very polite and kind-hearted towards me and also gives me the princess treatment. I don't know what the actual hell happened to me . I wish I can understand all this things and solve all the problems. I smiled at my own faith and destiny.



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