chapter 9

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The afterglow of the leaderboard reveal clung to you like a second skin. News outlets bombarded you with interview requests, fans swarmed your social media (which you'd reluctantly set up), and even your old classmates seemed eager to reconnect. It was a whirlwind of attention, a stark contrast to the quiet anonymity you'd grown accustomed to.

But amidst the chaos, a familiar tug of responsibility pulled you back to reality. A tip from Ricky about a human trafficking ring operating out of an abandoned amusement park fueled your determination. Hero work, you realized, didn't take a break for press conferences or fan adoration.

Slipping away from the commotion, you met Ricky at your usual rooftop hangout. Gone was the streetwise kid you once knew, replaced by a young man with a newfound sense of purpose. He handed you a file, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"This is it, Artemis! Everything I could find about the operation. They're holding the kids in the old funhouse."

You scanned the file, your brow furrowing at the chilling details. This was more than you could handle alone.

"Ricky," you said, a plan forming in your mind. "I need your help."

He straightened, his face serious. "Whatever you need."

"This is a big operation. I can't go in alone. But you know these streets better than anyone. I need you to be my eyes and ears outside."

A grin split his face. "Consider it done, Artemis! We're a team now, right?"

You smiled back, a genuine warmth spreading through you. You weren't just a hero; you were building a network of people who believed in a different kind of heroism. People who understood the power of community, of standing together against the darkness.

As you surveyed the crumbling facade of the abandoned amusement park, a sense of grim determination settled over you. Tonight, the forgotten corners wouldn't be forgotten. Tonight, you weren't just Artemis, the hero of the forgotten corners. Tonight, you were a beacon of hope, leading a team of your own making, ready to expose the darkness and bring the light back into the forgotten corners.

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