chapter 14

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The sterile white lights of the hospital room felt harsh after the grimy darkness of the funhouse. You sat perched on the edge of a bed, a steaming cup of tea warming your chilled hands. The adrenaline crash had hit you hard, leaving you with a dull ache in every muscle and a bone-deep tiredness.

But the fatigue couldn't dampen the sense of quiet satisfaction that bloomed within you. The news broadcasts playing silently on the wall behind you were a testament to your actions. Images of the monstrous creature dangling in the steel cage flashed across the screen, accompanied by reports of your bravery and quick thinking.

The "hero of the forgotten corners" was no longer a shadowy figure. You were Artemis, the hero who'd saved a group of children from a terrifying fate. The phone beside you buzzed, snapping you out of your reverie. It was an unknown number.

Hesitantly, you answered. "Hello?"

"Artemis?" a gruff but familiar voice boomed through the receiver. "It's Commissioner Davis."

Your stomach lurched. The commissioner himself? This couldn't be good news or bad news, just... news.

"Commissioner," you greeted him cautiously. "Thank you for calling."

"Thank you?" he chuckled, a dry sound. "Kid, you turned a monster loose in the middle of the city and then proceeded to trap it in a giant metal cage. Let's just say you caused quite a stir."

You winced, picturing the bewildered expressions of the officers as you'd directed the creature towards the waiting cage. "Yeah, about that..."

The commissioner cut you off with a hearty laugh. "Don't worry, we're sorting things out. The public seems to be eating it up, 'hero uses unconventional tactics to save the day' and all that jazz."

He paused for a moment, then continued in a more serious tone. "Look, Artemis. What you did... it was impressive. Reckless, yes, but undeniably effective. We may not always agree on your methods, but your heart's in the right place."

Your throat tightened. This was... unexpected. Approval, even grudging admiration, from the very system that had ostracized you.

"That's all I ever wanted," you murmured, your voice barely a whisper.

"Well," the commissioner said, a hint of warmth in his voice. "Let this be a lesson to both of us. Sometimes, the lines between unconventional and effective get a little blurry. And hey, maybe the forgotten corners need a hero who isn't afraid to get a little dirty."

A genuine smile spread across your face. This wasn't a complete surrender, not yet. But it was an olive branch, a recognition that heroism could take many forms.

"Thank you, Commissioner," you said, your voice sincere. "I... I appreciate it."

"Just get some rest, kid," he replied. "The city can wait for its hero to recharge."

With a final gruff goodbye, the call ended. You leaned back in the bed, a wave of exhaustion washing over you. The forgotten corners had been illuminated, not by a spotlight, but by your actions. And in the quiet of the hospital room, you knew this was just the beginning. You were Artemis, and the city, finally, was starting to see you. But more importantly, the forgotten corners were starting to see themselves, a flicker of hope rekindled in the darkness. And that, you realized, was a victory worth fighting for.

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