chapter 12

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The creature slammed its colossal fist against the doorway, splintering the wood and sending debris raining down. The children whimpered, clinging tighter to you, their fear palpable. You knew a head-on confrontation wouldn't work. This monstrosity was built for raw power, and you, despite your training and agility, were far from a match.

Thinking fast, you scanned the room, your eyes landing on a dusty carousel in the corner. A spark of inspiration ignited. This funhouse, with its warped mirrors and disorienting layout, could be your weapon.

"Alright, listen up," you said to the children, your voice calm but firm. "I need you to be brave. Do exactly as I say, okay?"

Wide-eyed but nodding nonetheless, they huddled closer. With a hushed voice, you explained your plan. It was risky, relying on a combination of distraction and disorientation, but it was the only hope you had.

As the creature roared and lunged again, shattering the rest of the door frame, you activated a smoke grenade you'd managed to snag from your belt in the chaos. The blinding purple cloud filled the room instantly, obscuring the creature's vision. You grabbed the closest child, a small girl with tear-streaked cheeks, and whispered reassurances in her ear.

"Hold on tight," you instructed the others, and with a burst of speed, you darted towards the carousel. The creature, blinded by the smoke, roared in frustration, its movements erratic as it swiped at the air.

Using the smoke and the darkness as your cloak, you guided the children one by one towards the carousel. Their small bodies fit perfectly between the ornate horses. Once everyone was in place, you reached into your belt again and pulled out a small holographic projector.

Flicking it on, you projected a series of swirling lights and distorted images onto the carousel's mirrors. The room became a kaleidoscope of fragmented colors and warped reflections, further disorienting the creature.

The effect was immediate. The creature roared in confusion, its monstrous form thrashing about as it tried to make sense of the chaotic scene. It lunged at one reflection, only to slam its fist against a harmless mirror. The shrieks and growls became more panicked, a symphony of frustration rather than fury.

Seeing your opportunity, you slipped out of the carousel, using the children's shrieks as a further distraction. You sprinted towards a hidden service hatch you'd noticed earlier when scoping out the room. It was a tight squeeze, but fueled by adrenaline, you managed to shove the hatch open, ushering the children through one at a time.

On the other side, a narrow service corridor led away from the main funhouse. You helped the children down, their small bodies trembling but their eyes filled with a flicker of hope. "Stay here," you whispered, pushing them towards a seemingly safe corner. "Don't make a sound."

With a silent prayer, you crept back towards the funhouse entrance, the smoke slowly clearing to reveal the creature's enraged form. It paced the room, swiping at the fading reflections, its frustration reaching a boiling point.

You knew you couldn't outrun this beast forever. But you could buy time. Using your enhanced speed and agility, you led the creature on a merry chase through the funhouse's twisted corridors. You dodged its lunges, scaled walls, and used the warped mirrors to your advantage, constantly confusing its sense of direction.

As the creature's rage grew, so did its desperation. It began to smash through walls, tearing through the funhouse like a mindless bull in a china shop. The noise echoed throughout the building, a monstrous symphony of destruction.

Suddenly, from your communicator, Ricky's voice crackled through. "Artemis! What's going on? The cops are on their way, but it'll take them a few minutes!"

A plan B formed in your mind. "Get them closer," you instructed, panting from exertion. "And Ricky, tell them to bring something... big."

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