Michelle's movie

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[A/N] wattpad got rid of DMs and I don't remember who gave me this idea but here's the Beychelle oneshot you wanted. I hope you like it

"Chelle!" Beyoncé greeted her, a warm sense of longing clouding her eyes

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"Chelle!" Beyoncé greeted her, a warm sense of longing clouding her eyes. She smiled brightly and longed to wrap her arms around the other woman, to be close to her again the way they once were.

"Hi Bey," Michelle said, letting all of the emotion catch in her throat. She leaned away slightly. She didn't have the energy for Beyoncé today, she was just there to support Kelly, not to catch up with someone she used to know.

Beyoncé inhaled sharply, her eyes searching Michelle's for something she couldn't find. She didn't understand how Michelle could act like this - pretending that they meant nothing to each other; smiling for pictures then disappearing when the cameras turned off. It was like this every time they saw each other now. And it felt like a stab in Beyoncé's chest.

"It's so good to see you Bey" Kelly approached, cutting through the tension with a hug. The action made Beyoncé relax a little. She remembered she was there to support her best friend. Kelly was doing amazing, Beyoncé was so happy for her. The least she could do was get over herself and sort this thing out with Michelle.

"I'm so proud of you," Beyoncé smiled, her eyes landing on Kellys and nodding. Kelly had been talking about her love of acting for a while and she seemed so excited about this script. It was good to see her doing something she loved, even if Beyoncé didn't quite get the movie. She looked at Kellys smile and hugged her again.

"Thanks girl" Kelly replied. "I'm proud of you too, I know you got some more music cooking" she giggled and Beyoncé humbly nodded. It had been a while since Beyoncé had seen Kelly in person, and even longer since she'd seen Michelle. She didn't want to talk about herself. She wanted to know what was new with them.

"I was gon' ask both of y—" Kelly paused noticing that Michelle was no longer there. She'd conveniently slipped away while the two had been talking. Even Kelly hadn't noticed her smooth disappearance.

"Dang, where'd she go?" Kelly giggled as Beyoncé shrugged. Another stab in her chest. Did Michelle really hate her that much? She couldn't even bear a couple seconds of light chatter?

"Maybe she got pulled away by the Holy Spirit or something" Kelly laughed.

Beyoncé tried to force a chuckle but the laughter didn't quite reach her eyes. She looked awkward and stiff, her mind still on Michelle.

"You okay Bey?" Kelly raised a brow.

"I'm fine, it's just— nothing, sorry" she cut herself off and let her eyes search for Michelle in the room. The other woman had disappeared so quickly, without a trace, and it bugged Beyoncé. She felt like they never got to speak anymore. She had so much to say. So much to talk about. She felt like she was being tortured by a prospect no long viable.

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