Letter: Part 3

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I went to a college hours from home.

I was meant to go farther.

My parents and I made a deal, you see. After two years of study I could transfer out-of-state. If I chose a high-earning major to offset the cost. If my grades were stellar; if I kept a job.

I met Jamie the summer after my freshman year. When the acceptance letters arrived, after leaves crunched and snow dotted the grass, I turned them down. My parents were surprised but you've watched it right?

How fast I jump?

I drove to him. I didn't care about studying, if he texted on a Wednesday night. I made no plans in case that ping came through. I lost all my friends. I got my own apartment. The summers were dangerous but better. He worked less. I knew the right beaches. Only miles apart we found time.

And I believed him. When he promised more. He saved me the crossword from his newspaper. He bought me books. He asked questions and despite all you must be thinking, I swear. He was nice. He treated me well.

He would've told me to study, if I had protested. He would've told me to put myself first.

Or maybe not. I didn't give him the option.

That's why I was angry when I gave it to you.  

Bend Fly RunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora