Living for Christ

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Have you ever thought you were fully devoted to Jesus but missed something?

(Read Philippians 1)

Key verse:
"Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good news about Christ" (Philippians 1:27)

God is amazing. He provides us with happiness, grace, and peace, which we often seek from the world but cannot find. We do get it from God due to His love and grace.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the people who have been a part of our lives and have shared God's word with us. Let us give thanks to those who have done so much for us and for God, those who have taken our advice and followed our example. We should praise God and show gratitude for all the blessings we have received in life, including the people around us.

Let's help to spread love to others so that they can also understand the earth, and we can all live a blameless life. We should listen to God's word and share it with others. By doing so, we can follow Christ's path and spread his message of love. If we truly love him, we should strive to share his word so that more of God's children can make it to heaven and experience eternal happiness. Let's care for and love each other, and work together to spread God's word.

Speak God's word without fear, sadness, or being scared. Have confidence that God will give you happiness in the end. Don't be jealous of others who know God's word or how they read the Bible. Spread the word because you love God, not because you want to be better than other Christians. Live boldly with Christ, and don't be angry. Be confident in spreading His word with love and care instead of being jealous.

Live on this earth as a citizen of Christ the Lord. Don't focus on worldly matters, but rather love God as if you are already in heaven. If you truly want to stay with God, fight for your faith and never give up. At the end of the journey, there will be happiness and many rewards. Seeing God proud of you will bring you even greater joy. Spread His word on earth with passion, and give love to all those around you.

Dear God, we humbly ask for your help and guidance in living our lives according to your will. Please teach us to live like we are in heaven, to show that we care, to spread our word, and to do better for you. We thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us and ask that you teach us to not be jealous and to care more for others. We pray that we may live our lives for you until the day we die. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Write down three things you can do today to make yourself a better person for God and for yourself. Tell your friends and share with them what God has done for you. Share what God has given you and how much He loves you. Help others who are suffering and remind them of God's love for them.

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