Chapter 2: Award,

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Lucy POV:

It took 10 who minutes for the guys to get me into the cave, and 5 more minutes for me to convence them that I could walk on my own. So currently I'm hugging Happy close to my chest while he is nawing on his fish that he got from his green backpack.

Sooner or later we arrived to what has to be the deepest part of the cave. Then we heard a noise it sounded like a roar. It blew my hair back a bit. Yup it was either a roar or a extremely strong air current from somewhere ahead of us. Yeah I'm gonna go with the first assumption.

Then we heard some loud footsteps and when I say loud I mean LOUD!!!

"What do you mages want?" Asked a deep rumbling male voice.

"We want you to stop taking peoples magic!!!" Natsu shouted back to it. Natsu you dummy. I thought.

"Oh...Very well we will fight on it all of you...against me. If I win you give me your power, if you win I will give back all of the Lunar power that I stole, and not take anymore." The voice told us trying to strike a deal.

Which worked because Natsu agreed. Then thing came out and landed the first blow. It blew a giant ice ball. A FREAKING ICE BALL. What the hell I mean fire, metal, wind,light, and darkness are okay but a HUGE FREAKING ICE BALL IS JUST MESSED THE HELL UP.

While I was in my thoughts Natsu had gotten flattened, and Erza was trying to hit all the ice balls the thing was shooting from it's mouth. While gray was making an huge Ice thing.

I sighed.

"open gate of the golden bull!! Tarus!!!" ((I think that's what she says correct me if I'm wrong.))

"Wow Ms. Lucy can I just say that iut's an honor to serve you and your nice body!!" Tarus told me as soon as he poofed up next to me.

"Really?" He nodded. "Well it would you help destroy that damn thing over there!!" I told him. He nodded.

"If it's a threat to you and your nice body it's an enemy of mine." The pervert spirit told me before taking out his axe and swinging it around a bit. Then he charged at the thing wildly attacking it.

I don't know how long this went on for but sooner or later Natsu woke up, and used his fire dragon roar to take it down..Good because that was exhausting to watch. Tarus nodded to me, and dissapeared.

Little white-ish green things floated from his body, and floated away. Were those the lunar magic that he stole from the mages in the village?

The thing rose up from his position on the ground, and looked at us.

"Your strong, and I don't go back on my word you won fair, and square I will up-hold my side of the deal, and leave the vllagers alone." He told us and resided back into the part of the cave where he was before.

We walked out of the cave, and back into town where everyone was happy and shouting thank you to us for getting there powers back. We nodded a your welcome each time. When we reached the mayors office he hugged us, and gave us each jewel that he owed us for the job.

"Wait here." He said holding a golden key with angel wings on it. Huh he was giving us a key? It was pretty but was it magical or not?

"You have a celestrial wizard right?" We nodded. That was me, but why would he need to know. :Well this is a celestrial key, I don't know who's but someone gave it to us to give to you when you defeated the monster for us." We nodded understanding the key part, but not so much about the rest.

As if sensing our confusion he explained.

~~To lazy to put something make it up.~~

After all of the explinations I lacramed a message to the guild.

((A lacrama is like a video call but in a strong bubble kind of texture. You can touch it and it will feel soft. And it works like a video call.))

I told them about the mission and the key. They were shocked that we didn't destroy the town, but happy none the less.


"Lu-Chan!!!" Levy shouted running to me as soon as I stepped foot into the guild.

"Lucy." The guild suddenly said at them same time.

"Yeah what is it?" I questioned.

"Show us how you make a contract with a celestrial spirit." EVERYONE said at once. Even Mira, and the Master.

"Really?" I asked they nodded. "Alright."

I pulled out the new key I got. It was blue and silver so it couldn't have been a zodiac right? Like all contracts even though I din't know what sign the key was for I knew what to say so the words flew out.

"Open Gate Of The Angel!!! Angel!!" I said pointing it at the sky. Nothing happened for a few seconds them I felt the wind shift. It blew people hair back, and skirts up. What was that? 

When I opened my eyes a girl with white blue hair, and blue eys was infront of me.

She wore a floor length dress that was ice blue, and had a corest back. Her skin was pale but not sickly so. she had light pink lips, and a tiara on her head. ((The tiara is the one in her first picture of her that I posted of her.)) Her hair was straight, and reached the floor. In all honesty she was. Beautiful, I felt plain next her like a peice of dirt. I couldn't see her shoes they were covered by her dress. And her aura was innocent.

"WHAT!!!!!!" Everyone shouted looking at her. She didn't flinch or seem frightned at all. She just calmy turned her head towards them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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