[26] Masked Ancestry

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Coming home to the Burrow always felt very refreshing to me. No matter what chaos I was going through, the warmth and love of my family made up for everything else.

That was exactly why I was so scared to lose them. They had taken me in when I had no one, and shown me what it was like to be loved and cherished. Now that my ancestry was in question, there were times I simply wanted to bury the truth and never look back.

But Professor McGonagall was right. Some day or other, the truth was bound to come out.

That letter in my bag seemed the heaviest but I hadn't yet opened it, deciding to take a good look at it when I retreated to my room at night.

Dinner passed with the usual family antics until it was time to retreat to our rooms. I picked up the bag and was about to go up the stairs when Fred and George stopped me.

"Kat, got a minute for your old pranking buddies?" George spoke up, his arm carelessly dangling off Fred's shoulders.

"Sure, what is it?"

"We have to talk to you," Fred resumed, and both of them gave me a look as if they had figured out something and wanted to confirm their assumption, "It's about Perce."

That was unexpected... "Percy? Why?"

"Can't we come up to your room to discuss?"

I considered and nodded, leading the way as they followed me up the stairs. My room would feel cramped considering that we had gotten a lot taller and with the three of us in there, not much space would be left to move about.

Still, we settled down as I took the bed, and my brothers conjured bean bags for them to sit on the rug. I didn't say anything myself and waited for them to continue discussing whatever they wanted.

"So we know you and Percy are close but we are kinda feeling left out these days," George spoke up and Fred nodded, agreeing with him as always. 

"Like it seems you two are up to something and we're concerned because you didn't tell us anything about it," Fred added, "I thought we were your ultimate secret keepers but guess we were wrong..."

Oh, I see... They are feeling insecure because I asked Perce to help me out with the Everhart case and not them. "You were not wrong, of course, you two are my best secret keepers," a smile threatened to break on my face as I tried to convince them.

"Oh yeah? Then what is going on with this Percy situation?"

They were keeping one secret for me already and I didn't want to burden them with another much deeper secret.

"I just needed him to find out about a woman I was seeing in my visions lately," I decided telling them just that as it wouldn't possibly concern them further, "He works in the Ministry so it would be easier for him to do that compared to you too. That's all."

"You underestimate us," they remarked, folding their arms defiantly as they glared at me.

"Come on, guys, it's nothing like that," I tried to ward them off the topic.

"And why do you suddenly feel the urge to find out about the woman from your visions?" George asked, his eyes narrowing in concern, "You have never done that for anyone else before."

"Yeah, because earlier I only saw people I knew in my visions. I don't know her at all but it feels as if she's connected to me," the words were out before I could stop myself and I could see their curiosity had been piqued.

"And there's no other reason for you to involve Percy except for his connections at the Ministry which would help in finding out this woman?"

"Yes, of course. And I do trust him to help me out so..." I observed their expressions carefully but it seemed like they weren't as pissed off after hearing the explanation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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