January 1, 1973- The New Year

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As the clock struck twelve on January 1, 1973, Rory felt a surge of emotions overcome her. Tomorrow, she would have to go back to Hogwarts with all her friends, and many of her peers, being aware of her engagement. Suddenly, she would be an engaged 11-year-old. People would give her looks of confusion, pity, disdain, and disgust at every turn. She would never experience a normal romantic relationship because she would be perceived as taken. These thoughts circled her mind, making her feel nauseous as she sat alone in her room.

She allowed these thoughts to continue, keeping her from her sleep for hours, until she'd finally had enough and stood to leave her room. She crept out of her room, as silent as possible so she didn't wake her parents, and slowly went down the hall to her brother's room. She slowly opened the creaky door only to see Sirius and Regulus sitting on the bed, almost as if they had been waiting for her.

"You couldn't sleep either?" Regulus asked, prompting Rory to shake her head as she closed the door behind her and crossed to the bed. Sirius opened his arms and she fell into them, trying to find comfort in his embrace.

"It's gonna be okay, Ror. I promise," he whispered, squeezing her tighter as he did so. She tried to hold back her tears but in the safety of her brothers' arms they began to fall, soft sobs escaping her lips as Regulus joined in on the hug. "Do you want to stay here or the night?" Sirius asked. Once again Rory simply nodded her head in response, prompting her brothers to share a worried glance as Rory rarely stayed in one of their rooms unless she was afraid of something. The siblings then sat silently until they all fell asleep, comforting each other in the only way they knew how.

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