April 2, 1973- The Letter

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Rory knew her brother would be in a world of trouble after the stunt he and his friends had pulled on April Fool's Day, ending with all four boys receiving detention for the remainder of the school year. Each received the additional punishment of a letter home to their parents about their misbehavior. What she had failed to predict, however, was the magnitude of her mother's displeasure at this so-called 'prank'. This was revealed to her as the owls flooded the great hall during breakfast the following day, and a letter dropped in front of Sirius. As soon as he opened it, the letter flew out of his hands and began screeching in the distinctive voice of their mother.

" Sirius Orion Black! What in Godric's name do you think you're doing? It is bad enough that you spend your time around blood traitors, half-bloods, and those filthy mudbloods you call your friends, but this outrageous behavior must stop at once! You are bringing shame onto this family with your ridiculous marauding and your father and I will not stand for it!"

The entire hall had gone silent and watched as the letter destroyed itself. Rory's eyes locked on Sirius as she watched his stoic expression change to a wide smile as he stood up and said, "Well you all heard my mother! Continue to enjoy our lovely pranks, courtesy of The Marauders!" He then sat back down and received excited pats on the back from his three friends as they talked animatedly about their group's new name, and the silence of the hall returned to its typical chatter.

Rory did her best to hide her smile at her brother's happiness but also had to try and stay present in her friends' conversation as she felt a pit form in her stomach. She knew that she was going to have to save her brother from her parent's wrath somehow before the summer holiday, and based on the words and tone of the howler her brother received she was going to have to do something particularly extravagant to gain their attention. She shook her head as she pushed the thought from her head, trying to focus on what was happening at her table, for she could always make her plan later.

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