July 30, 1978- So Close, So Far

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Rory was lost. She had spent every day since she got home from Hogwarts alone in her room after receiving half of her punishment upon arriving at the manor. She had never felt more isolated in her life, and yet she didn't regret the actions that had landed her in this position. Her brothers were safe. Sure Sirius was unhappy, and still got his fair share of scoldings and groundings but at least he didn't have to experience what she did. At least he stayed himself. Rory on the other hand was completely lost, the girl she had been a few short months ago fading to the back of her mind like a fond memory from long ago.

The only interaction she'd had for the past month was with Kreacher when he brought her meals, and though she could tell it pained the house elf he never spoke a word to her, likely because her mother had forbidden him to do so. Between these brief interactions, she was left completely to her thoughts, allowing her anxieties to wash over her and drag her under the surface like a wave just to feel something, to know that she was still alive.

She thought about what would happen when they had to go back to school, and her brothers were just as happy to see her alive and well as the rest of her friends. She thought of the concerned looks on all of their faces when they saw her sunken eyes and cheeks from the little food her mother was allowing her. She thought of the questions they would ask about the bags under her eyes or the loss of her warm smile, and how she would have to lie to them all, blaming the issues on lack of sleep over her excitement for the upcoming school year. She thought of the fake smile she would have to expertly plaster on to convince them all that she was fine, even though it would likely take her a few months to recover and feel back at home in the walls of the school.

She turned to look at the calendar on the wall, one of the few decorations in her otherwise empty room. July 30th. Only 32 days until she could finally escape her prison. Only 32 days until she could attempt to find herself again. Only 32 days until she could fly away from the island of isolation she was trapped on, and be reunited with the only people who had ever made her feel happy, her brothers and her friends. She began repeating their names, almost as if she were afraid she'd forget them. Sirius, Regulus, Teddy, Hadley, Evan. Sirius, Regulus, Teddy, Hadley, Evan. Sirius, Regulus, Teddy, Hadley, Evan. Sirius, Regulus, Teddy, Hadley, Evan. Sirius, Regulus, Teddy, Hadley, Evan.

Only 32 days. So close, yet so far...

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