Chapter 2: Date

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I stared down at the girl sitting in front of me. She had bright red lipstick to match with the heavy makeup, including the hooker black eyeliner. It totally didn't suit her fitted short pink shimmery dress that rolled up a little on her thighs. It complimented her body fine, but it wasn't to my concern. Rather how touchy she was being over the table, concerned me. She was like a lion playing with its prey. I was starting to get irritated as I pulled away from the fifth time in just 10 MINUTES! "Look, I'm sorry. You seem like a nice girl...." I looked her up and down as she gave me a little smirk. "or whatever. But I only like guys. My dad set this up, acting oblivious to this factor. Sorry but, have a good night." I bowed my head slowly, but quick enough so I could dash out of there, without her holding me back. But of course, things weren't that easy. She came behind me and pushed me up against the wall. I couldn't think, breathe, or speak, I had lips smashing onto mine. Not another one. I tried pushing her off me, but somehow it wasn't to my advantage. She kept wrangling around me pushing and pinning my arms to the wall. I would question my strength, but if you saw the size of her arms- they were as big as my friend Changbin's. He eat, sleeps, and breathes the gym. He could squash my head like a grape between his biceps. I was annoyed with the situation as a whole, but it only rained on my mood when I felt her hand down my pants and stroking me. I groaned as I had enough of this pathetic little act like Miss dolly is playing. I took the advantage- one hand against two and switch us. Her hands pinned up above her head and her back hard against the wall. "What's wrong Minho? We can't have a little fun, hm?"I scoffed in her face as all she could do was smile at me like a psycho. "Listen here you sick witch. I said I like dicks. Nothing but dicks." She was trying hard to keep a smirk, but disgust was dominating over her facial features. "I will not repeat myself again, got it?" She looked out of it for a second, but soon nodded her head at a slow pace with her gaze no longer meeting mine. "Good, now fuck off." I let go of as I stormed off from there and went home. I sigh at the finally step below my feet, I really hope he didn't drink today. I unlocked quietly as I possibly could. The door was loud when it shut though of course, and I saw my dad's head pop in the kitchen. "Hey son, where's your girlfriend?" I walked up to dad leanings his arms on the island counter as he took a sip of a beer in the bottle his hand contains. I made sure he saw me roll my eyes at the word girlfriend. Disgusting."Well it didn't go so great." He pouted his lips and sat down at the spinning chair. I tried my hardest not to cringe at his look right now. "I'm sorry, why not Min?" He looked at me and smiled. "Come. Come sit down." He gave the stool beside him a pat as I obeyed and sat beside him. "Well...I told her I only do dicks. She was disgusted in me and ran off at that." He got up in a fit of anger as he knocked his chair over as he got up. He started walking to the living room, pacing. "Why would you say such a thing?!" He flipped the coffee table with no effort. "Because it's true! Why can't you acknowledge my feelings for once?!" He walked up to the island and pointed his finger at me. His anger seeping out of him in sweat as I crossed my arms at him. "DON'T BE RIDICULOUS! THOSE ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS!" I rolled my eyes, this is completely bullshit. "Whatever. I'm done here." I stood up, I felt braver with every step while walking toward my room. Suddenly I felt something hit my back, soaking and stinging me. Then the sound of glass broke into the floor. I turned my body around with a scoff toward the old man in front of me. "Did you just throw a GOD DAMN BEER BOTTLE AT ME?!" I scowled at him when a weird smirk grew in his lips. "I can't stand you as my son." He scoffs as he went and opened another beer bottle. "You're just like your mother." I widened my eyes at the mention of my mother. He has never said a word about her til now. And that's what he chooses to tell me? That fucking bastard. "You're both so disgusting." He huffed as he walks over to the living room to watch his shows and drink his beer. I scoffed as the tears started to fall down my face. I made sure to bump my shoulder hard into him as I ran out the door. Not even caring that he's shouting my name out the door. I stop running what feels like endless circles and stare at the sky. It's raining hard on my skin, and didn't help that I had very thin clothing on. "What do I do now?" He sigh until lightning flashed over a long bridge. I smiled as the tears kept streaming. Freedom at last. I ran so hard that when I reached the railings, I almost fell in, plus because of my height. Don't worry mom, here I come.


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