Ch- 12 Pen drive

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Ridhima was coming back from kitchen after drinking water .

It was night time at around 10 p.m

She crossed Vansh's room and she heard him talking about some pen drive.

Vansh- Angre from now on we not refer this pen drive as pen drive.

Whenever we want to refer it , we will say shera.

From now on , the name of the pen drive is Shera.

Angre - But what is the need of this boss?

Vansh- This pen drive has some secrets of our projects and it also has some secrets of my past which I never want to share.

So I don't want anyone to know about it.

Angre- okay boss , as you say.


In Ridhima's room

Ridhima has called Angre to talk about that pen drive.

She was waiting for him and she was pacing back and forth.

She heard the door clicked and shebsaw that he is here.

Ridhima- Angre, you came?

Angre- Di , you called me . What happened?

Ridhima- I want the pen drive Angre , I wanna know what's inside that.

That could be helpful for us.

Angre- Huh... Di why do you want your brother to go in lion's den again and again.

Is he that important for you?

Ridhima- No one is more important than you mere bache .

But please don't forget why we are doing all this.

I need you help.

Angre - Just kidding di.
Ofcourse I will get that pendrive for you.

Don't worry.

Ridhima nodded.

Angre said he wants some special time with his sister.

Ridhima couldn't deny her brother's request.

She sat on the bed and Angre kept his head on her lap.
She started to cares his hair with love .

Angre - Di didn't you missed me in these 3 years?

Ridhima- is this even a question? Ofcourse I missed you alot .

3 years ago we both came in this city with an intention and we parted our ways for that.

You came here , with Vansh and I went there in the orphanage.

Angre - well di , forget this . Show me some of your designs , I never saw your designs. When we came here you just completed your double masters from Australia.

Ridhima- You wanna see them?

Wait let me get it .

Wait let me get it

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