~ Chapter one ~

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It all started with the car. The car i had been trying to drive all day, all month. The old rustic metal, deep sexual red, slick glistening bonnet with matching doors, the whole thing was perfect. My kind of  perfect, my perfect Lamborghini.

He's like a drug. I need him desperately, but the more i have the more i desire. I know it's killing me. slowly, softly, taking his time, controlling me, with just his touch.

I always knew there would be a before, i always knew thought there would be an after, but i never once thought of my time with a boy. He's everything, tall, dark, muscular, hair that makes me fold, the way the dreadlocks fall down his face so i can just about see his dark eyes, eyes i wish i could look into forever, eyes that i get lost in swimming in the depths of my imagination.

It was a monday, i was so young and nieve i never thought i could be so influenced. The sun hid dismally behind a row of clouds that hung so low i could almost touch them, the sky was a pasty grey to dark to tell if it was morning or night. The ongoing traffic was deafening like a war happening right in front of me on the motorway. The weather had previously stated it was to get much better as the day progressed, i silently prayed it would be by the time of my lesson. I slowly walked up the steps of the building, tall, large pillars loomed in front of me looking down as if disapproving of my presence, the building itself was a musty green colour which once seemed to be a creamy yellow, but dust and fungus had got to it first, the windows were all slightly open with the faint smell of lavender descending from their open frames. I pushed it open, a bell rang above my head and i heard a lady with a very husky voice speak,
"are you ok there love" she spluttered in between coughs, the smell of cigarettes were evident  so i took a step back. Smelling of cigars on my first lesson would probably not make the best impression,
"erm yes i'm quite alright" i raced trying to get my words out before i inhaled to much smoke,
"i'm looking for a Mr L.Johanson?" she smiled as though enjoying my lack of confidence,
"right through here love" she pointed to a blinding white door with crystal handles and a tiny key hole no keys on mine could ever fit through,
"good luck with him kid" mildly unsettled by her comment i proceeded through the door, it creaked a little when i opened it but i couldn't of noticed less. There sat on the nicest of leather chairs was the most handsome man i had ever laid eyes on, he was clearly Mr Johanson as there was no one else in the room who loomed quite as large, in fact the was no one in the room at all. It was a lovely room with a large garage door one end and a window the full length of the wall the other, a golden chandelier sat elegantly above a glazed oak desk with a baby blue laptop in the middle, surrounded with ornaments so beautifully laid out it could be in a museum. 

I stood nervously at the door, contemplating leaving before he noticed me, i felt very out of my depth. but before i could decide the decision was made for me, "Miss Cruz?" a voice, so sensual my body was drawn to face it called out,
"erm hello i er" i stammered, feeling very stupid as a couldn't form a proper sentence,
"your here for your driving lesson, yes?" he slowly rose from his desk and a broad torso appeared, his biceps trying to tear through his navy blue and white suit, perfectly pressed from the dry cleaners and ironed to a crisp. He strode over to me,
"i am sir" i shuddered a bit as he towered over me, blocking the sun from my view,
without another word he picked up a set of silver and gold keys all in pristine condition. Hanging limply on the end was a picture of a little girl around 7, she couldn't possibly be his child as he didn't look a day older than 23, maybe a sister, or a niece? The photo looked a few years old but yet the case seemed brand new, this man comes from money for sure. he clicked a rouge button on the chain and the garage door slowly rose curving on the ceiling, the blue door shone with the suns reflection, i shielded my eyes from the sudden attack of light despite the room being so bright the outside world seemed alien to me. Like a vampire braving the daylight.

I walked down a flower lined path in silence trying to regain composure of what had just happened, the building was so misleading, the whitewashed bricks in contrast with the pearly insides is extraordinary, whoever designed it definitely knows how to hide an organisation.  Johanson rambled on with small talk but my mind was drifting somewhere else, or to someone else. After five minutes of an extremely one sided conversation we turned a corner and a large car park emerged, it was lined with palm trees, how they were thriving in british weather is beyond me. I gazed in awe as i noticed my car had been brought around, my little black toyota sat glumly next to all the fancy cars, ranging from Jaguars and Porches to Mclarens and a vast collection of Lamborghini's,
"which ones yours then?" he looked around the park examining every car. I turned away, ashamed to call out my little Toyota. He looked at me deadpan and sensing my refusal he spoke again,
"if your going to be so obstinate you may as well go home now" he started to turn away, he was right of course. i was being stubborn.
"this one here" i pointed to a red Lamborghini sat by itself on the end of one of the rows. It was a small car with blacked out windows so you could only make sense of the two leather seats inside. He looked taken aback at my sudden outburst and smirked, how can a man make me so aroused from just smiling. and a man i have only just met?

He walked towards the car and clicked open the door. It swung upwards to reveal a stylish red interior with two of the most luxurious car seats I have ever seen, the world seemed to slow down. the light was dimmed and the ongoing traffic outside muffled. I seated myself in the drivers seat and strapped in, the seatbelt slid across my chest and clipped in securing me to my position, my companion did the same. he looked so at home around these cars, but me, i looked like a stranger to this world of luxury, he turned to face me,
"Right Miss"
"Paris" i finished the sentence for him, if i want to get to know this man it would definitely help to be on first name basis',
"Paris?" he replied, "after the city?"
"I guess so, my mother named it" it was true, my mother had named my sister and i after famous places, Paris and Indiana. she is only 10 and lives back in the Philippines with my mother and father. I haven't seen the poor girl in almost a year and I miss her dearly.

I took the keys from his hand and placed them carefully in the slot, it was gold lined and made a small beep sound as a white button next to the wheel lit up. I tried to look as though I knew what to do, but obviously realising my confusion he pushed it for me.
"Thank you Sir" I was a bit sheepish after not knowing how to work my so called car. Mr Johanson seemingly enjoying my struggle sat and watched me fiddle around the the gear stick and indicators. And after what felt like a century i finally found my bearings and began to reverse out,
"All right let's go"

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