~ Chapter three ~

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"You've got to tell me everything" Sofia rushed as she helped me through the door. I hadn't realised the time last night and ended up sleeping at Lucas',
"There's nothing to tell you that you don't already know" I slumped myself on the sofa as she got me a brew and some toast, "we went for a meal then went back to his because it got too late"
"Your missing the big part of when you got the fucking of a lifetime" she interjected,
"I suppose, but I don't even know if he likes me in that way" it's true, to be that good at sex you have to of had a decent amount of practise and to have practise you need girls,
"He does it's so obvious, my cousin went for driving lessons there and they never went out for dinner."
"What do you mean" my interest in this man was growing into an unhealthy obsession,
"He only invited you! He used it as an excuse to go on a date with you." she jumped up from the chair and stood in front of me, "Your in stem, your supposed to be smart. So why cant you see!" I shooed her away and opened my phone.

Three new messages
Lucas: Hi Paris just checking in to see if you got home safe
Lucas: That place did really nice food we should go again sometime
Indiana: Hi sis hru imu sm and can't wait to see u again!

I must of been smiling at my phone as Sofia came bounding over and grabbed it,
"And you expect me to believe that this guy doesn't like you" she gave me a wink and disappeared into the kitchen.

My house seemed eerily quiet after last night. Her voice, the way she screams out my name sends me to into overdrive. I messaged her earlier to see if she got home ok but still no reply. A bit put down, I walked into the kitchen, the jet black marble counter glistened in the morning shine, the island in the middle has three bar stools against it. Plain and tidy, just how I like it.

Knock knock.

I slowly walk to my door,
"Hello?" I open it. Who could possibly be at my house at this time in the morning,
"Lucas my old friend! Long time no see buddy." I look round to see a man around 21 lent up on my wall,
"Get of my wall before I make you!"
"Calm down I'm just chilling." He gets off and stands in front of me, "I just came to talk."
"Talk about what man, I haven't spoken to you in four years" I step out front and close my door behind me. Rudy was my best friend through high school, a time I would've preferred forgetting. And until today I've done a pretty good job at it,
"Luc i need a favour" he takes a step away, "I'm in some deep shit man"
"Rudy I quit that life a long time ago"
"I know, I know, but I didn't know who else to go to" I step back and open the door,
"Come in and explain yourself"


"So let me get this straight. Some random guy wants you dead, but it's not actually you he wants dead it's me because you took my old name when I left the gang," we're sat in the sitting room on separate sofas. I put the fire on for a cozy atmosphere, it's electric so it doesn't do anything anyway, but the amber glow seems to be bouncing of the walls and calming me down, "and now they've realised we're different people and you need me to rejoin the gang as my old name and try to regain their trust and restore the peace so they don't come after you?"
"Basically yeah" the sheepish look on his face tells me it's all true,
"And if it doesn't work they could hurt or kill me?"
"I mean when you put it that way..."
"Answer the goddam question ruds!"
"Ok then yes" Rudy will always be my brother and I can't let a brother down no matter what. Even if it means I have to face my past. When Elodie died he was the only person at the funeral who I could brave telling,
"Ok I'll do it. But you owe me big time"

Two weeks later
I walked up to the door, my first proper date with Paris. Her house is cozy, a small cottage on the outskirts of town. Now I know why she needed to drive, she lives in the middle of nowhere. Vines crawled up the front and the garden was escaping round the side making a motte of luscious greenery. It was a bungalow with a small black Toyota parked outside
at least she's not using my car as a decoy anymore
I chuckled to myself at the memory, the first time we met. I had never thought such beauty could exist.

Knock knock
I hear hurried footsteps and hushed voices, the door swung open in my face leaving me gobsmacked. There she stood in a pair of light washed blue jeans and a black backless top, draping over one shoulder was a little grey bag which perfectly matched her converses,
"Hi" I cracked my neck to the release the pressure,
"Hi" she looks up at me, her eyes twinkling in the dim glow from the sunset. I take her hand and walk her to my car, "Could you do me a favour"
"Depends what" the mischievous glint in her eye tells me I won't like it,
"Can I drive?"
"Absolutely not" I hold my stance to sound more convincing,
"Why not, you passed me so I can't be that bad"
"Do you realise how expensive this car is Cruz"
"Then why did you let me take my lessons in it when I couldn't drive for shit" she knew she had me, the smile she had on said it all,
"Ok fine but be very and I mean very careful"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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