~ Chapter two ~

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I was sat in the living room with Sofia, the light grey coffee table stood alone in the middle, the tv on the wall was flashing from the news to itv as she flicked through channels, the dog was lying on a green mat under my feet as I sat nervously on the cream sofa. Sofia was slumped in the silky armchair, her brew was half spilling out of her mug as she was listening intently to something going on in the news. My phone was perched on the marble kitchen counter. I had turned it of silence and was anxiously waiting for a call.
The weeks prior to today had gone by in a whirlwind, I had my lessons every thursday, and got to see my handsome lamborghini for the precious two hours I got to spend with him.

"Riri!" I jumped out of my daze to see Sofia marching over to me with my phone in her hand, it was vibrating vigorously with the annoying ring tone i do my best to avoid hearing,
"Answer it then you silly girl!" she held it out in my face but I couldn't make out the number on the front, but if it was Johanson I wouldn't know it anyway. This was my one opportunity to get his number and have a proper conversation, I nervously swiped onto the call, 
"Hello, Miss Cruz speaking"
"Hello Paris, it's Mr Johanson if you remember me" a slow meaningful voice responded down the line. Of course i remember you dickhead, it's the only thing I could think of since my test,
"Yes I do remember. And what do I owe this pleasure" I tried to put on my sexiest yet business like voice to make certain he remembers me,
"The pleasure is all mine, I am calling to invite you to a meeting so you can receive your test results, it is common practise that we meet with all students when they receive their results" my heart skipped a beat. A luncheon, I at least thought he would tell me if I passed now,
"Ok I guess we could fix a place" my sexy voice had been replaced by one of a little schoolgirls,
"I was thinking the new restaurant down the road from the centre? if that's ok with you of course"
"That sounds lovely mr..."
"Lucas" he interrupted, finishing of my sentence, "My names Lucas, it seems awkward to be going out for dinner without knowing names does it not"
"It does I suppose" I was still processing, Lucas? What an sexy name,
"So is next friday ok with you"
"I think it would be yes" I tried to conceal my excitement through my monotone,
"Ok it's a date then" he hangs up. Left in an unnatural silence i roll over to see Sofia sat on the arm of the sofa and my face contracts into a grin.
I was waiting at the restaurant entrance, it was cozy with luscious green vines crawling up the front entwining with the letters in a vibrant purple reading Amigos, the windows had little sunflower and scarecrow drawings on them and behind the layers of glass were small tables for two with a vase of flowers in the middle surrounded by candles up the walls. This was more of a first date place than a meeting venue.

I glanced at my watch as a walked up to the door, shit I'm early. I had spent the whole day prior pampering myself and choosing a fitting dress. I had even my hair blown out. I didn't want to look too slutty and I couldn't look like the nerdy 17 year old that I was. I had to look tempting, So I decided on a tight backless dress that sat just above my knees showing of my waxed legs nicely and sucked in my stomach giving me the perfect hourglass figure. My heals were a perfect match, not to high, but high enough to add a few inches onto me.

I pushed the door open and a warm blast of air hits my face. A waiter comes to greet me at the door and takes my coat, I look around and saw a figure sat at one of the back tables under a very dim light,
"Do you have a booking ma'm?" I snap back to reality as the figure moves into view. It was Lucas,
"Yes I do but I'm just joining my friend over there." I made my way over to him, weaving around tables with young couples. As I approach, Lucas' eyes rose to meet mine and almost simultaneously he cracked his neck to the left. My insides squirm. He rises and pulls out a chair for me,
"Good evening Paris." he lowered himself back into his seat,
"Hello" I examine the table as a sit down, "This is a lovely place you chose here."
"It is isn't it, you look lovely today by the way" my heart leapt right out of my chest,
"Thanks, oh and you too"
"So I assume you want to know if you passed or not" he signalled to the waiter to come over,
"Yes I do desperately"
"What would you guys like to drink?" The waiter was standing in front of us with a little notepad,
"I would like a champagne thank you"
"Glass or bottle?"
"A champagne?" I gasped, It was only half 8,
"Yes a champagne that is what I said, and what for you"
"I'll have a Diet Coke please"
"Ooo playing it safe today are we?" The waiter took our orders and scurried off to the kitchens,
"No i am underage dickhead, I'm not allowed to purchase drinks"
"Exactly why I got a bottle" he leaned over so we were centimetres away from each other. My sex clenched.

The next two hours were amazing. We talked, laughed and laughed and went through a whole bottle of champagne,
"so I have an important question" I moved my chair round so I was sitting next to him,
"Yes" he moved his chair to match mine,
"Who's that girl on your key chain?" It was sat on the table again and I couldn't help but find out who it is,
"It's my little sister, she died when she was seven" I could tell it was a sensitive subject so I thought it best to leave it at that,
"Oh I'm so sorry" I reached my hand out to grab his thigh, and the favour was generously returned. My heart was practically beating out of my chest.

He moved some of my hair from my ear and leaned forward,
"How the fuck do you expect me to sit here with you opposite me and not be able to touch you?" He pulled me by my legs so I was straddling him. I could feel his erection growing through his pants,
"Your touching me now are you not" my words were nothing more than a whisper,
"No i need you Paris" that was all I needed to hear, I leaned in and kissed him, his tongue exploring me taking everything I can give. I started to grind against him as he breaths in my ear,
"Not here precious, come back with me" I nod and follow him out of the restaurant. To dumbfound to have a clue what just happened.

He signals for a cab and we climb in the back of it, our mouths still together and entwined in a tight embrace. The cab turns a corner and a house, no a castle comes into view. It was white and black with a double garage home to three beautiful Lamborghinis. We stepped out of the cab and I was swooped of my feet and carried like a bride to the bedroom. To aroused to speak he kicked his shoes of and threw me onto the bed, he tugged his shirt of and stepped out of his pants leaving him naked in front of me. He started to stroke his thick length, torturing me,
"Dress of now" he growled as he made his way over to me. I obeyed obviously and was left exposed and vulnerable for him. He opened his bedside draw and took out a packet, toor it with his empty hand and applied it to his manhood.

He leaned over me and gently stroked himself against my opening, my breath contracted. He pushed inside and started to slowly work his way in,
"Your so tight Presh" he breathed, he kept slowly working me until he was all the way in and then slammed into me, my whole body was screaming for more. He sped up with quick deep thrusts, I cried out as my body hit an earth shattering orgasm. Once again he sped up knocking all the air out of me, fucking me like he wanted me dead. Then he pulled out, my body moaned at the loss. He laid down and pulled me on top of him so I started to ride him, long and slow, the tempo change was killing him I could tell. But I couldn't stop as another orgasm tore through me. He spun me on my side and worked me so hard I saw stars. One, two three more thrusts and I felt the jerk of his cock as he emptied himself into the rubber. We both lie there panting, trying to regain composure. I turned to face him,
"What happened with my test results?"

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