Chapter 2: get through to you

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"Riley are you listening to me" Jonas says making me turn my head to him to see what he was on about. Truth is i wasn't listening to him partly because i don't give a fuck and well that's about it really.

"No what did you say" I ask staring to get annoyed why am i even in his office anyway i didn't do anything wrong it was all Katie's doing's.

"What happened yesterday was unacceptable Riley we don't tolerate any kind of violence on this team and we especially don't hate" I let a little laugh out at this 'we don't hate' what a fucking joke last time i checked the whole fucking team hates me.

"We don't hate right why don't you tell Katie that and not me" I say starting to get annoyed.

"See this is your problem you have an attitude Riley and if this sort of stuff carries on then you won't be welcome here anymore" Jonas says sternly. Right that's it he's officially pissed me off.

"Fuck you" I say getting up out of my chair and storming out of the room slamming the door on the way out.

Who the fuck does he think he is telling me i have an attitude he knows nothing. I bet he didn't give that little speech to his little star girl Katie fucking McCabe.

I walk over well storm over to the bench i found i need to somewhat calm myself down or I'll end up hitting the next person i come into contact with and that will definitely get me kicked out if that's not already happening.

I sit down and close my eyes taking deep breaths and listen to my surroundings the birds chirping and the slight breeze brushing against my skin  slowly calming me down.

"You ok Riley" a familiar voice says a very annoying voice. "Fuck off" I say not even bothering to open my eyes to look at her.

"Charmer" she says taking a seat next to me. "What you doing out here on your own?" she asks.

"What part of fuck off don't you understand Williamson" I say slightly raising my voice if i wasn't pissed off before i sure as fucking well am now.

"What's your problem with me" she asks i take a deep breath and block her annoying voice out and continue to sit there with my eyes closed.

"So you're just going to ignore me now" she says poking me in the side to get my attention. Right that's fucking it.

"Fuck off seriously i don't know why your talking to me if you feel bad don't i don't need anyone's pitty and especially not from you" I say standing up and storming away anger taking over me.

"Wait Riley i just wanted to get to know you" she says running to catch up with me.

"I'm not someone you want to get to know Leah seriously fuck off" I say for the third time but she still isn't getting the fucking hint.

"I will get through to you Riley just you wait and see" she says finally taking the hint and walking in the other direction sending me a smile as she leaves.

Get through to me who does she think she is a fucking therapist what a joke. She has a nice smile tho I won't lie. What the fuck why have i just thought about that i shake my head trying to remove the image of her smiling out of my head  and continue my walk to recovery.

There is nothing i hate more in this world than recovery. Having to be told what to do for an hour straight by someone who think they know everything when really they know fuck all.

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