Chapter 3: josh

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2-0 down at half time that's what the score is against fucking villa how shit can we be. I don't even want to be here. why am i here if they won't even let me play? If i was on the pitch we would be winning but no we're losing against fucking villa.

"Right girls there getting past are defence to easy we are leaving a gap through the middle that there acting on every time Viv i need you to fill the space then i need Lotte to fill in behind her" Jonas explains everyone nods taking in his information.

"Wont work" I mutter annoyed

"What was that Riley" Jonas says turing to me i roll my eyes.

"I said it won't fucking work" I say angrily

"Shut up you don't know anything" Katie says but before u can say anything back Jonas interrupts.

"And why won't it work" Jonas asks. "The problem is that Katie is pushing to high up and she's getting beat every time leaving a gab on the wing Katie needs to stop being selfish and going for the ball every second and stay back more" I say i don't know how he hasn't noticed that i noticed it right from the start.

"So it's my fucking fault then" Katie says angrily getting closer to me. This bitch. "Yes it's your fault that is what I've just fucking said isn't it" I reply smirking I'm getting on her nerves and i love it.

"You two stop it" Jonas says pulling us apart whilst checking his notes to see if I'm right which I am. "Riley is right we do what she says" Jonas says smiling at me he looks kind on stunned as do the others.

"Fucking bitch" Katie mumbles walking back over to her seat. I swear to god if she says anything else I'm going to hit her. Shes the reason we are losing in the first place. Not even to mention the fact she's the reason i can't fucking play.

"Ok girls you know what you need to do. Get back out there i believe in all of you" Jonas says urging everyone back out of the charging rooms. I don't go tho i can't be arsed to keep on watching that shit show. I think I'd rather poke my own eyes out than watch the second half.

"Riley you coming" Leah asks obviously noticing I'm not walking out with everyone. "Nope" I say grabbing my phone and starting to scroll through insta hoping she will get the hint to leave me alone.

"You can't just stay in here" she says coming to take a seat next to me fuck sake. "Watch me" I say continuing to scroll and ignore her. Thats when my phone gets snatched out of my hands.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing" I say standing up and pushing her. Who the fuck does she think she is taking my phone. "Give it me the fuck back" I go to grab it out of her hands but she pulls it away.

"I'll give it you back if you come out and watch the rest of the game with me" she says smirking obviously finding herself hilarious.

"No fucking chance now give me the phone back" I shout my patience starting to run out. "If you want it come get it" she says walking out of the changing rooms with my phone in her hand.

I'm going to kill her I'm seriously going to fucking kill her. I follow after her punching the wall on the way out having to let my anger out some way.

"Decided to join me then" she says still with that same fucking smirk on her face. Why can't anyone just leave me alone?

"Give it me back now" I semi shout not wanting to cause a scene in front of everyone and the fans. "Take a seat and watch and you will get it back" she says tapping the seat next to her.

"Fuck sake" I say taking a seat next to her and she hands me my phone back. I'm surprised I haven't hit her already if it was anyone else i would have hit them. Wait why haven't i hit her?

Oh well I don't care I'm still not going to watch the game so i decide to put both AirPods in and take a quick nap since i haven't been sleeping well recently or basically at all.

"You're not going to sleep" Leah says whilst taking one of my AirPods out. "Tell me what to do one more time and watch what happens Williamson" I say snatching my AirPod back.

"You're so fucking stubborn" she says giving up with me and finally turning to watch the game. Well thank fuck for that.

Leah's pov

Riley has fell asleep and fuck knows how the crowds screaming. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep the complete opposite of when she's awake.

The scores now 2-2 thanks to Riley's tac ticks they really worked. I think I'm starting to get somewhere with her i mean she didn't just grab her phone and leave she stayed that's a start. I did think she was going to hit me at one point tho. I don't know what it is about her there's something behind the hard shell she puts up and I'm going to make sure i find out what it is. I don't think she's this horrible person everyone makes her out to be when i look at her i don't see the person everyone makes her out to be she looks sad kind of empty like she's alive but she's not really living.

"Josh Josh Josh" she mumbles in her sleep i turn to face her. Josh who's Josh her boyfriend or something i hope she doesn't have a boyfriend.

"Riley wake up" I say shaking her she jolts up searching around in a panic. "Your ok" I say trying to bring her some sort of comfort she looks scared.

"Fuck off" she says standing up still in a panic and running down the tunnel trying not to draw any attention to her. What the fucks wrong with her i try to be nice and she just throws it back in my face.

"Leah go follow her see what's wrong" Jonas says obviously having seen the whole thing. Just my luck time to get a mouth full off of her.

I walk down the tunnel and into the changing rooms. "Riley you in here" I say. "Please just fuck off" she responds from somewhere in here. I continue looking for her and find her curled up in a corner.

"What's wrong" I say taking a seat a good distance away from her not wanting her to panic or run off again. I feel like this is something serious.

"Please just go" she responds her eyes not leaving the floor. "I'm not leaving you when your like this just tell me what's bothering you" I say starting to edge a bit closer to her.

"Why do you care so much" she says finally looking up to meet my eyes. She looks like she's been crying or is about to cry. My heart breaks a little i have never seen her show any emotions other than anger.

Her question kind of stunned me a bit. Why do i care so much? I really don't know. "Your upset i just want to make sure your ok" i respond.

"I'm ok you can go now" she says coldly. I sigh this is gonna take a lot for her to open up to me but like i said I'm not going to give up.

"Who's josh" i ask hes obviously the reason she's got so panicked. She doesn't respond but just looks at me in shock her eyes glass up and she lets a tear slip that she wipes away instantly.

"He uh he's fuck you" she says standing up and storming out of the changing rooms. She was so close to telling me then but i can tell that this josh person is a sensitive topic to talk about. I just wish she will let me in i won't hurt her i just want to help her.

I stand up and go back out to the bench. I think it's best to let her calm herself down. I will find out who Josh is tho I'll make sure of that's.

"What's happened to Riley" lia asks me having seen her run off down the tunnel in a panic.

"Oh she just felt a bit sick she will be ok" I respond not wanting to tell everyone her business not like they will care anyway. Everyone has been treating her like shit especially Katie she's been giving her a hard time. I get she's done some bad things but there's no need to be purposely injuring her or saying things to her. It's bullying at this point and it genuinely needs to stop she's a human just like everyone else she has feelings even if she doesn't show them. Lia just nods not asking any further questions obviously not giving two shits about Riley anyway.

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