Chapter 4: no fucking way

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I wake up with a familiar pain shooting through my head god i hate hangovers. I feel a hand draped over my waist and a body pressed to my back. I move out of the girls grasp hating the physical contact which makes her stir awake. I sigh i was hoping i would be able to leave without waking her.

"Morning" she says stretching a smile making its way onto her face probably from last night I have that affect on people.

"Morning" I say back plainly getting out of bed and picking up my clothes that are spred across her bedroom floor.

"Where are you going" she asks a hint of confusion in her tone. "Have to go" I say putting my shoes on and getting ready to leave.

"Well can I at least get your number last night was fun" she says with a determination glint in her eyes.

"Look I'm sure your a nice girl and all but I don't do relationships" I say leaving her room and making my way downstairs and out her house that's when I realised she took me here last night and I don't have my car fuck sake. I pull my phone out getting ready to book and Uber when I hear the girls voice again.

"Need a lift" she asks her tone has now changed she sounds upset but there is nothing i can do about that i don't do relationships never have and never will.

"Uh ye thanks" I say instantly feeling the awkwardness between us. God this is going to be a long drive. I make my way to her car and get into the passenger seat. I give her my address and the journey back to my house begins.

"So why don't you do relationships" she asks breaking the silence I see the curiousness behind her eyes. God why is she pushing so fucking much?

"Just don't" I answer quickly glancing at her before I tear my eyes away and look outside the window. I hope she takes the hint and leaves it as that.

"There must be a reason" she says obviously not getting the hint and keeps pushing "are you scared or something" she asks god the questions just keep fucking coming.

"No I'm not fucking scared" I say taking a deep breath. My heads pounding and this girl just does not give the fuck up.

She is right tho I am scared in fact I'm terrified of being in a relationship. It's not that I don't want love everyone wants to be loved but when you have a past like mine and when you are just not a nice person to be around it rules out any chance on being in love with anyone so I don't try to connect with people and I plan on keeping it that way.

I think she finally got the hint when she doesn't respond and keeps driving. Well thank god for that. I quicky check the time hoping I'm not going to be later for training I'm already in Jonas's bad books don't want another reason as to why he should kick me out of the team.

"Nice house" the girl says as she pulls up my drive. "Ye it is thanks for dropping me back" I say getting out the car but before I can get out she pulls my arm back "what are you doing" I ask trying to keep my cool. "If you ever change your mind I'll always be here" she says smiling at me. I don't respond and make my way inside. I breath a sigh of relief as the door shuts behind me thank fuck that is over. I only met the girl last night she can't seriously be starting to like me.

I push that thought to the back of my mind and quickly go upstairs to get ready for training. Mentally preparing myself for the day that lies ahead.

I make my way into training taking the back entrance to avoid everyone. I'm a bit later today so I shouldn't run into anyone until later. There has been an awkwardness between me and Leah since the villa game a couple of days ago she suspects something and she knows about josh I've successfully avoided her since then I don't want her asking any questions questions I'm not prepared to answer.

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