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This is a place where everyone should feel included. Everyone has their own personal ways that differ from the perception of 'normal'.

So I guess for this chapter I wanted to just say, what makes you different?

What makes you different makes you special, makes you interesting.

If you have a difference, it gives you more depth than just an 'average' person. Well, obviously, no one is made straight from a mold, but there's still a construct of normal.

And honestly, normal isn't even real. Normal is just something that was made up by society because some bigot just decided, " Hey, I don't like that! Even though it's not hurting anyone, I'm going to go discriminate against that!".

Discriminating against someone for their difference is wrong. As long as that difference is not hurting anyone, is there truly anything wrong with it? 

If we were all the same, life would be boring. Nobody would be any different from anyone else. But because everyone is different, it gives life a sort of depth. Everyone is different, so go ahead and embrace your difference. There's nothing wrong with it. It's a part of you. And it's definitely not a crime to be you.

Thank you for listening to all my stupid annoying rambling 🤪

See y'all in the next one!

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