What Makes a Person?

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Okay, we all get that everyone has their own differences, but what really makes a person?

Not physically, but in a mental sort of sense. What things make up a person and make them something more than a walking bag of bones?

One of the most important ones is personality. Everyone loves a good personality. But what makes a good personality, or a bad one for that matter?

A personality is how you act on the emotions you are given. For example, someone with a protective personality might shove someone in a hallway for being mean to their friend (guilty of this one 😔) , and someone with a kind personality might simple have them talk it out (also guilty).

Personalities differ from person to person, and are part of what makes up the mental and emotional part of a human being.

In your opinion, what's an important emotional or mental part of a person? I wanna know if anyone's opinion sounds kinda like mine or a little different. Everyone's opinion is different, and all of them matter!

See y'all around!

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