Funny Story from a While Back

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Idk if this needs a TW but uh yea description of gore? Very vague though, it's not that bad.

So about a week or two ago (current date is April 1st), I had to go to the ER.

There was a half-inch cut in my left big toe because I stepped on something sharp in my backyard.

The poor ER nurses and doctor were probably shitting their pants.

I literally just sat there like, "Yea, okay, whatever 👍". I didn't cry or scream or anything like that. The only thing I remember doing that actually conveyed pain was saying "ow" very calmly with a straight face.

I swear they thought I was on drugs or smthn lol, it was so funny to watch them be like "Does this hurt?" And I was like "Kinda, not really tho".

Anyway yea

Y'all got any funny ER experiences?

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