Chapter 8

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Racheals POV

   "Nothing" I said turning my gaze from him. Why is he so handsome. "Bullshit". He grabbed my hand and dragged me out the house as I struggled to free myself from his grasp.

"What's your problem?" I asked when he released my hand. "Try again" he narrowed his eyes at me as Cassie and Sarah who followed us outside stood silently watching our exchange.

"Seriously I'm fine" I sighed and checked my phone and saw she hasn't still replied my messages or returned any of my calls.

My phone was suddenly ripped off my hand making me throw a glare at the person behind it. "Look at me when I talk to you" he said grasping my chin and lifting my face up so I was staring into his eyes.

"Let's do that again. What's wrong?" He said stroking my chin. "My friends missing" I sighed.

"When was the last time you saw her?" He asked removing his hands from my chin and I immediately yearned for his touch again.

"Three hours ago" I said and he raised a questioning brow telling me to elaborate.

"We were supposed to have a movie night but she went to the store to get some stuff real quick and hasn't been back till now. She hasn't been responding to my calls or texts" I sighed fighting back the tears threatening to fall.

"I think we should wait till morning if she doesn't return we'll go to the police, let's check around for now " Sarah voiced and Cassie nodded.

"Thanks" I said forwarding a picture of Lizzie to Cassie and we immediately got to work. We seperated into two groups which were Cassie and Sarah with Vincent and me together.

After searching for another hour we met up in front of the villa and by now the party was already over.

"Any luck?" I asked eagerly as we approached Cassie and Sarah. They shook there head sadly giving me sympathetic looks.I sighed.

"Go home. Get some rest we'll head to the station first thing tomorrow morning" Cassie said squeezing my hand a little. "take care" Sarah said giving me a smile as they went inside.

"Come I'll take you home" Vincent nudged me.

"Thanks but I'll be fine you've done enough" I said offering him a small smile.

"Just get in the fucking car" he said making his way over to the car leaving no room for arguments. I sighed and followed after him.

He unlocked the car and opened my door for me. I threw him a glare and stepped in. He closed the door went over to his side, got in and started the car.

"Address" he said. I told him the address and we drove off.

I stared out the window through out the ride trying to put together my thoughts. My mind kept running,thinking of worst case scenario's of what could have happened to her but I pushed those thoughts away. Think positive.

The sound of Vincent clearing his throat snapped me out of my thoughts. My gaze flickered to him for a second before facing ahead to see we were in front of my house.

"Thanks" I whispered taking off my seatbelt and  stepped out of the car.

"What are you doing?" I asked when I noticed Vincent was coming down too.

"Need to use your bathroom and I need a glass of water or aren't you gonna invite me in" his words made it seem like he was joking but his facial expression said otherwise.

"Sure" I whispered and headed to the front door with him trailing behind. I whipped my key from my sweat pocket unlocked the door and stepped aside so he could go in first.

"The bathroom is down the hall I'll go get you water" I said and went into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge grabbed a bottled water and headed back into the living room. Vincent wasn't yet back so I placed the water on the table and headed to my room.

I stepped into the hallway to find Vincent standing at the door of the bathroom staring at something inside. I tried looking through but couldn't see what he was staring at as his figure blocked my view.

"Is the toilet not clean" I asked trying to sidestep him. Immediately I passed him he yanked me back pulled me into his arms so I was facing his chest.

"I'm sorry" he gritted and I pushed him away. "Did you mess up my toilet, It's fine I'll cle-" I said stepping out of his arms but stopped when I saw it.

Lizzie laying on the floor in her own pool of blood with a knife to her chest. Her gazed fixed on me but her eyes were empty.

This can't be happening.

"Lizzie" I said as I approached her body but got pulled back again. Instead of pushing him away I let him hold me and cried.

He didn't say anything just stood their running his hands through my curls as I cried.

I heard voices around me and I was lifted off the ground but I was too numb with pain to care and just tucked my face into the crook of Vincent's neck and slipped into the darkness.

I groggily opened my eyes and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling in confusion. After a minutes everything came back to me at once.

I choked on a sob as reality kicked in. Lizzie's dead. And I sobbed harder.

The bathroom door opened and Vincent stepped out and took in my disheveled state.

He opened his arms and I immediately got off the bed and ran into his arms in need of someone's comfort.

I stood there sobbing and held onto him like my life depended on it while he ran his hand up and down my back soothingly.

When my tears finally seized I regained my senses and took a step back. "I'm sorry" I muttered wiping my face with the back of my hand but he said nothing and just stared at me.

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