Chapter 8: The Start To a New Chapter October 19th, 2022

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           It was a breezy, chilly, Autumn afternoon. Rain pattered softly in Mulsberry Peak, as clouds helped to shield the sun, making it feel all the colder. Iyo was bundled up in so many thick layers, that he lost count while getting dressed that morning. Since it was Saturday, he had no work, so he chose to wander around town for a bit of a walk in the rain. He was carrying his lucky notepad close to his chest, shielding it from the rain. Rory had been following along closely behind his best friend, both walking the quiet streets of the left side of town.

            Rory had always enjoyed this side, as it was much emptier, and calmer. He meant no offense to the side of town that he lived on, but he just preferred quiet walks to loud, city-filled ones. Anyone in town would agree with him, but saying it aloud felt rude.

             The sky rumbled softly, as raindrops landed on the sidewalk, leaving the road with a light sheen from wet concrete. The smell of rain always fascinated Iyo most about the weather. The way you could step outside during the calm before a storm, and smell that rain was near. The musty scent was thick in the air, all before the thunder could strike. Lightning would dance across the sky, crashing down at Heaven knows where. Iyo was secretly glad their town hadn't been struck in the storms. That was definitely not ideal for his perfect little town.

              Growing up, Iyo recalled being terrified of the thunder. Even now, when the clouds would rip and crack, he'd jump at the noise, or cover his ears if it was much too loud. However, when he was younger, the very thought of a rainstorm would frighten him.

               He'd used to cry and hide under his bed for hours, waiting for it to end. His mom scolded him often due to how childish he acted, but he couldn't help it. He used to watch too many documentaries of houses being destroyed in storms of that sort and feared the worst.

             Now, his only problems arose from the noise it made. Today, he was lucky the thunder only rumbled, rather than cracked. It was a soft sort of noise that was ever so tolerable. And boy, did it make his afternoon walk all the more aesthetic. Iyo wiped water off his nose with the back of his hand. Rory muttered something about his socks getting wet. It was nice. 

             The boys trekked past the sliver of land that divided the homing district and the shopping center, careful to avoid mud. Iyo neglected to wear his rain boots that day and hadn't wanted to muddy up his new boots. He'd bought them with his money, saved up from working at the café. His mother would be mad, too, if he came home with mucky clothing. Iyo suspected Rory would just end up cleaning up any mess he made before his father got home later that day, anyway.

             They both made it barely past the library, windows dimmed as the shopkeeper enjoyed cutting the lights near the evening time when Rory got that feeling that he wasn't alone. It was that sort of feeling that's like being watched or deja 'vu. He slowed his footsteps and peered down the alleyway, which he suspected was where that feeling was coming from.

            "Is something wrong?" Iyo asked wearily, slowing his pace until he was parallel with his best friend. Rory only stood on tiptoes, eyes dancing through the dark alleyway. 

           "I- I don't know. I think there's someone down there." The hair on the back of Iyo's neck stood up at end and he suddenly felt colder than before- this time, it wasn't from the rain chill. "Rory, I'm sure it's nothing. Let's keep walking." He coaxed cautiously, putting his gloved hand on the grey-haired boy's shoulder. He retracted when Rory shrugged his hand off.

          "No, Iyo I'm serious- Look, there's someone right there." Rory practically hissed as he stepped forward once, pointing down the way. The alley was dark, littered with trash that strays had probably gotten from the cans. But there was a silhouette lying uncomfortably near the back against the wall- One that was so vaguely familiar, it sent a paralyzing fear through Iyo at the very thought that it could-

           "We need to go, Rory. Please, let's just go." Iyo's voice had been octaves softer than Rory had ever heard it reach, and he turned back to stare into cold empty eyes. Iyo's body language had changed- He stood there, one foot back and ready to leave, eyes wide and skin pale. 

          Rory felt this strong urge to leave with him, why, he never knew. He heard this voice in his head repeating "Rory turned back and walked away from the alleyway with Iyo" and just as he prepared to obey,

          "Iyo, that's Spixter down there- I can't leave him," Rory responded firmly as he raced down the alleyway, feet tapping through the rain puddles, further soaking his socks. With his sudden burst of adrenaline (Which he suspected had been caused by his own fear) he tossed aside a trashcan that had been knocked over. The lid hit the wall with a loud cymbal-like clatter, and Rory practically dropped to his knees next to the body, which had been slouched against the rickety old fence, head propped against the library wall. 

          Rory stared down in horror at the boy he'd become so close to. Spixter's long hair had messily fallen over his chest, pink dye seeming so much more faded in the dim lighting. His eyes were shut and he could have seen peaceful if it hadn't looked so- Rory hesitated, a sudden fear blooming in his chest, feeling the sudden presence of Iyo looming over his shoulder. Through his peripheral vision, Rory could see he was standing close, his reflection in the puddle beside him rippling with every raindrop. 

           Something deep in Rory's mind told him to stop what he was doing- to leave Spixter there. "Rory stood up, clearly shaken and turned away, rushing off in the rain, desperate to get home and forget what he saw." No. No, Rory couldn't do that- He couldn't leave his friend behind. 

          "Spixter? Spixter, wake up- please wake up. Spixter?" Rory found himself shaking the pink-haired boy, desperate for him to move. Open his eyes. Move. Breathe. Why wasn't he breathing?

          "Rory, how do you know this person?" Iyo asked softly, voice shaking a bit with obvious worry.

          "He's- He's my friend-! Iyo, why won't- Why won't he wake up? Oh my God, what have I done?" Rory sat back, the seat of his pants becoming drenched by the rain. His quick breath came in soft pants that left puffs of smoke in the air. Tears filmed over his eyes, and no matter how much he blinked, they wouldn't leave.

            Somehow, someway, he knew this was his fault. He knew whatever was happening was his fault. "Rory had gotten too close to someone, and little did he know, it cost them their life." No, no Rory needed that voice to stop, he needed it to stop no matter what he did. 

          "Iyo- Please- Help me, I need him. He's- He's my friend." Rory's voice broke as he fell forward, hands grasping hopelessly for Spixter's unmoving body. He grabbed handfuls of the boy's shirt, feeling Iyo's hand on the back of his shoulder- his hand was shaking. 

         "Don't- Don't worry, Rory, I'll fix this. I'll fix this." 

         Rory went still for a moment and then- the memory was over -the nightmare, whatever he was trapped in- was over. 

           "Are you alright, princess?" Spixter asked gently, drawing back quickly when Rory snapped up from his seat, hands grabbing for his own shirt. His own dry shirt, his jeans no longer soaked with rain. He looked around quickly. He wasn't in the alleyway, but rather, on his front porch. The sky was sunny, the streets were dry. And best of all, Spixter was right here and he was safe.  

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