Chapter 11: The Girl With Water Color Eyes November 3rd, 2022

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            It had been three days since Mr. Reginald Anderson died, and the town had never been more quiet. Rory and Rei closed shop for the rest of the week in honor of him, and most other shops followed suit. Today, they held a funeral for Mr. Anderson, which they could attend at 6 pm.

              Rory and Iyo collectively agreed that they surely didn't wish to attend, but in order to move on, without the guilt, they'd have to.

               They'd dressed in their finest, and agreed to meet each other at the graveyard at 5:30. Now, Rory stood by the downstairs mirror, brushing his soft, gray hair back to tie it in a ponytail. Rei stood beside him, buttoning his black overcoat. Rei looked tired, but he maintained his calm expression. They both knew today would be hard on everyone.

                Funerals always held that sort of realization to remind you someone actually died. It served to snap you back to the reality that Mr. Anderson had definitely died days ago, and putting him six feet below only made it more real that he was gone for good.

             Maybe some people, like Rory, just need that reminder sometimes.

              "I know you don't want to go to this any more than I do, but if you could try to talk to Allison while we're there, that would make me very happy," Rei said, looking at his son. Rory ran his fingers through his hair and paused. "Who?" He asked, making eye contact via the mirror. He saw his father's lips smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

              "Mrs. Anderson got her granddaughter to come visit, to help her feel better about what happened- Mrs. Anderson is moving towns." He said softly, pulling Rory's hair back to tie it for him. A few strands came loose, but that was alright.

               "She's leaving Mulsberry?" Rory asked, raising his brows. He wasn't entirely sure anyone could do that. He couldn't remember if anyone did already, so she'd be the first he heard of to do so.

               "Yes, with the aid of Allison. Madame Anderson decided it was in her best interests to move out following Reginald's death, and I'm sure she's right. She'll be staying with her granddaughter when they move. In Vast." Rei leaned into the mirror and admired the scar under his chin. Rory wasn't sure where he got it from, but it looked kind of cool; a small thin line across under his lip, to his chin. It wasn't very visible from afar, but when you got closer, you could see it.

                "Why do people keep making so many changes, Dad?" Rory asked suddenly, catching his father off guard. He glanced at Rory, pursing his lips, brows tight. 

                "Change does the body some good, Rio. You can't expect everything to stay the same all the time, can you? Your mother always used to say "Variety is the spice of life", that quote is by William Cowper. I think they're both right." He nudged Rory's arm, and the gray-haired teen smiled. He always liked it when his dad spoke of his mother. He didn't speak of her often, but when he did, and when it wasn't reminders that Rory was making mistakes, Rei would speak so fondly.

                Rory didn't agree with his father at all, but he did suppose the thought was nice. "I'm going to miss her- and Mr. Anderson." Rory muttered, moving aside past his father, and back into the hallway. His father's eyes followed him. "I will, too, bud. We all will." He sighed beside himself, and they both prepared for the funeral.

                                                                                            Six P.M

                Before dark began to reach the little town of Mulsberry Peak, the town had already began to flit about and meet at the graveyard, where the funeral would soon begin. The weather, in disregard to the past accounts it's made, was calm and seemed almost at peace. The sky, a dark color to match the grim atmosphere, a slight wind billowing about, whistling through the shaken tree branches. The sky, in its darkened color, rested peacefully, with a lack of clouds, and the moon could be seen making home at the highest point, despite the sun having only just freshly set.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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