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This is the story of the fictional town, Mulsberry Peak.

This story is still heavily in the works, as I have only written 11 chapters (At this time) I do not have a specific due date for this, and write this story for my own pleasure.

In this story, I will touch base with many real life problems that many people, including myself, have and do face. Viewer Discretion is advised.

This story takes place in a fictional, seemingly perfect world, and in this tale, I will touch base on many heavy topics, including:

Body/imagery issues, panic/anxiety disorders, self hatred, mentions of physical and mental trauma, mentalized and distant/verbalized homophobia and transphobia (Mostly more discreat and normally only mentioned by Allison)

The main topic and point I'm getting across (Besides the obvious fun story telling) is the overall image of mental health, and it's effects on not only the people who suffer through it, but the people nearest to them. As someone who has dealt with severe anxiety and feelings of lack of self worth, I felt that some of this should be better brought to life. And what better way to do it, than to write a fun story about a bunch of 12-27 year old individuals going through similar problems?

I felt as though this should be read for further clarification, before you dive into this book, so without any further adue, 

Welcome, To Mulsberry Peak

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