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"you have to stop that" jeremiah says, "what?" conrad asks confused, "not you, lacy, lacy stop that" jeremiah says, "she's spaced out" conrad chuckles

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"you have to stop that" jeremiah says, "what?" conrad asks confused, "not you, lacy, lacy stop that" jeremiah says, "she's spaced out" conrad chuckles

"lacy honey, stop biting your nails" susannah jumps into their conversation, lacy remained spaced out, jeremiah pushed her fingers away from her mouth

"what the—" before lacy could finish

"stop biting your nails, its disgusting" jeremiah says, "she's just thinking about her stupid ex" conrad says making susannah sigh

"no i am not conrad! and he is not stupid" lacy says crossing her arms in frustration

"not stupid? that guy cheated on you like three times" jeremiah says holding up three fingers, lacy rolled her eyes "im not saying he's nice" she says

"no andrei talking!" susannah says "connie brought it up!" lacy shouts "everyone shh, conrad keep to your own business, jeremiah you i dont know you didnt really do anything"

"you lacy, pick better guys"


"were here!" lacy excitedly jumps out of the car "are we the first ones?" she asks, "as always honey" susannah smiles, jeremiah and conrad takes out their suitcases

"no wait, they're right on time" susannah smiles as she sees laurel's car pull up, the window rolled down "LACY" belly screams excitedly "BELLY!" lacy screams back

belly leaves the car and hurriedly hugged lacy

"i've missed you!" belly says, "i've missed you too bells!" lacy smiles, everyone got out of the car "steven!" jeremiah shouts, they gathered together and talked,

"where's andrei?" steven asks "oh my fucking god" belly whispered "andrei's no longer here" susannah smiles "and because of that! lets celebrate!" jeremiah shouts, lacy rolls her eyes

everyone went in the house, lacy felt someone hold her arms, she looked behind "what happened between you two?" steven asks, lacy felt confused "why do you care? i know you hate him" lacy says

steven didn't say anything

still waiting for an answer

"were off" lacy simply explains "what happened?" steven asks "why do you wanna know? so you can shit talk about him as well?" lacy asks

"i was right wasn't i?" steven asks

"to simply say, yes, you were right" lacy says and gets into the house, steven got shocked with what lacy had said, steven accused andrei before, he knew and felt that andrei wasn't loyal towards lacy

guess he was right, he was finally right.

he ran straight to jeremiah and pulled him into a room

"why didn't you tell me?!" steven asks

"about what!" jeremiah asked confused

"her and andrei! gone! dead!" steven says

"i didnt know if you still liked her! you dated that nezca girl during school" jeremiah says "that was just a fling!" steven says "well it doesn't really matter now right? lacy is single steven" jeremiah smiles

"you think i have a chance?" steven asks
"have no idea, lacy is a damn mystery" jeremiah says


nighttime came around, it was pretty late, 12:30 am on the clock, lacy was just at the kitchen on her phone

"fuck" lacy sees an old photo of her and andrei on her phone, she slammed her phone down "fuck" lacy sighs, she took a deep breathe and stared at the view from the window

"fuck fuck fuck" lacy felt herself tear up, "so fucking annoying" lacy faked a laugh, "you okay?" lacy heard a voice, "fuck steven" lacy wiped her tears away, steven rushed to her

"why're you crying?" steven asks

"why do you think?" lacy asks

"andrei?" steven asks, lacy nods

"but i fucking hate him! i really do! my first boyfriend, cheated on me, that fucking sucks!" lacy says as she stops herself from crying "he cheated on me steven, that fucking asshole cheated on me"

"don't wanna be that guy but i told you" steven says "oh come on steven! when you told me you had no proof at all, i'm suppose to believe what you feel about him?" lacy asks laughing at him

lacy laughing made steven's heart light up

"i just know whats good for you, and he wasn't" steven says "yeah well he's gone so, problem solved" lacy says, steven slightlt laughs "just have to find something worth it" steven says

"worth the what?" lacy asks

"i dont know, just someone worth it"

— author's note

hi ❤️‍🩹

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