25.Nothing normal

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All Shubman heard was your and his sister's banter once he was near her room.

He felt happy that you were just as comfortable with her. And he was sure that when you meet his parents, they'll love you too.

The door was open so he stood there, leaning against the frame until he caught the attention of you two.

"Honestly, I'm feeling so left out right now," he said and Shahneel just chucked a pillow at him unsuccessfully as he caught it.

"Y/n is into fashion designing too, Shubi! And remember what you call the 'orange app?' She uses it too!" She said with an excited smile on her face before holding your hands again. "Forget my brother. We were made for each other."

She said and then suddenly paused her actions as if she just remembered something.

"Oh, I was making cookies for Y/n," she looked up at her brother. "I left them in the oven."

She assured you she'll be back soon before running out of her bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen.

You got up from the edge of the bed, still pleasantly entertained as you walked to Shubman.

"Your sister's so sweet," you said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around your waist, walking towards the stairs.

"I find myself getting jealous of my own sister there," he said playfully once you were back in the living room again.

Ishan was already there in the kitchen with Shahneel, seemingly explaining something.

Then she looked at her brother, giving him a thumbs up.

She took you on a home tour already. One that lasted more than thirty minutes and at the end of which she told you that you'll explore the west side of the house after a small break.

You wondered just how big this place really was.

There was a living room with architectural details, a futuristic kitchen and dining area, elite bedrooms, a foyer the size of your current home.

Ample open spaces with high ceilings, giving off an expensive feel. The extravagance of the place was obvious in whatever direction you turned.

In addition to libraries, gaming rooms (yes, plural), study room, bowling alley, a gym, yoga and dance studio, home theaters, wine cellars, piano room, vault room, a gun cellar she didn't take you to, there were other outdoor areas.

Patios facing the sunset, lavish terraces and balconies offering a starry view, gardens, several indoor and outdoor pools, sunrooms in the backyard, a treehouse beside a greenhouse, a swing set, and a freakin' garden maze.

The garage with its lighting looked like an exhibition of cars around the world. Like all the people living in the city had their cars parked there. You recognized the 1969 Ford Mustang from John Wick.

As far as you counted, there were three floors excluding the basements.

All connected to hidden passages and panic rooms.

There was a basement where you could just relax, for the home, and another one you shouldn't be entering.

Shahneel told you that part of the house was where Shubman's office was, and it was always guarded by his men.

Similar to the ones by the unusually tall gates, the driveway, the entrance and only the ground floor of the mansion.

Otherwise, it was just the servants around. Mostly they knew to keep out of sight unless absolutely needed.

The privacy of his family was valued very much.

You didn't even know what she meant by the west side of the house. Haven't you completed the home tour?

It felt like one could get lost very easily. It'd take more than a year to even remember what each extortionate hallway led to.

You might as well ask for a map.

(A/n: And that was the home tour for you. Maybe this is what they call blood money)

Shubman took you to the garden with a pond and a small rock waterfall you failed to recognize from earlier because you saw rather too many in the past half an hour.

"And I told her I'll show her my sketches," you recalled your conversation with Shahneel. "I told you yesterday, right? I have them in my backpack- Wait, I left it in the car."

"I'll have it brought to you, baby," he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resulting in your back colliding with his chest. "Did di show you around? Do you like the place?"

You didn't know how to answer that. It required an equally expensive answer and you didn't have one. So you just nodded.

"Maybe we could put the rose plant over there," Shubman rested his chin on your shoulder. "You know, the one I sent you."

Yeah, the one he sent you after that evening he couldn't make it to the diner.

"Are you implying that you're taking it back?" You asked as he placed a kiss on your cheek from behind.

"No," he said as you held his arms that were around you. "Not if you're still near the plant."

You tried to understand what he meant by that but gave up midway when he turned you around to face him.

"Baby, I know it's too soon," Shubman started, arms still around you. "You do know my field of work."

"Yes," you nodded. You were aware of the concept.

"It threatens people when they're not careful enough," he explained slowly, hands holding yours now. "But that doesn't mean I won't be able to protect you, baby. I would lay down my life for you."

He looked into your eyes deeply, almost pleadingly.

"You mean too much to me, honey," he held your hands to his chest. "You mean everything to me. I need to know that you're always okay. If you'd like to move in with me-"

Your eyes immediately widened at the idea of it, not having expected it at all, but Shubman was quick to add.

"I know it's barely been a week and it sounds too early for that. But I promise it won't be different from when you're alone," he said quickly.

It wasn't how a relationship was normally paced.

And as a reminder, this was anything but a normal relationship considering both of your backgrounds.

"You won't see me if you don't want to, baby. You can stay in your own room as long as you're comfortable. You can do whatever you want but just this one thing, please."

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