26.The shape of water

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"Are you sure, baby? Only this bag?" Shubman asked and you nodded, looking around the bedroom.

"My backpack," you added, pointing to the small couch beside your bed. "And the rose plant. That's it."

You walked out of the room with him, thinking if there was anything else you were forgetting.

Nothing. You've checked the cupboards, the ceiling-height cabinets and all left was dust.

You walked into this house with your backpack and a duffle bag, and you were walking out with the same. And a rose plant.

It was all taken to the other cars as you stepped out of the front door after a look around.

Goodbye, house. Nice knowing you.

There wasn't anything you'd really miss about this place.

Maybe the bougainvillea but Shubman already made sure there was enough in the mansion with the same cheerful appearance and bright colored petals.

He was trying to make sure that you would miss nothing for you to rethink your decision.

If you're happy, it was all that mattered. He'll make sure you get all the happiness in the world.

You told him you needed to think about it first. 'Of course,' that was all he said, never bringing up the topic again. 'Anything you want.'

He dropped you home with a goodnight kiss after you finished eating the cookies Shahneel made for you.

You thought about it the whole night, even as you kept drifting to sleep sometimes.

What one thinks is wrong could be right for another. It was okay if you both thought so.

You thought of Guillermo del Toro giving a deeper meaning for his Academy Award-winning romantic dark fantasy film. He said water is the strongest element. It has no shape. And love is the same. Love takes the shape it needs to take. No matter what the shape is, you fall in love madly.

There wasn't hesitation. You both are the only ones to see each other's vulnerable sides and for the first time, you found someone you feel comfortable with.

So during breakfast at the diner, he didn't ask you again, but you said yes. You packed your things before lunch, and now you were moving out after your shift at the café and dinner.

"I'm supposed to hand over the keys," you told Shubman. You had already paid the rent for the previous month and it was over. So there wasn't much ado about you vacating.

"It'll be handed over, baby," he said as you held hands, walking through the bougainvillea for one last time.

Time skip to a couple of hours later~

"And this one, I think I was fifteen, maybe," you pointed at a design in your sketchbook. "I wasn't given great wardrobe choices but drawing them made me feel like I actually had some."

You sat in the middle of the bed with Shahneel in your new bedroom, just having settled in.

It had large windows, a balcony, comfortable furniture, anything you'd expect in a lavish residence and was closer to Shahneel's room, as you both already liked to spend so much time with each other.

Shubman's room was on the floor above, she let you know with a knowing cough.

And Ishan lived in a different mansion that was a ten minute drive away.

The former sat in front of you, watching with a smile as you showed him one of your sketchbooks.

He instantly knew it was one of things you had with you growing up.

The pages were old, the original color fading and tattered at the edges while some were torn and taped to keep them together.

He loved the way your eyes lit up each time you explained some tiny detail. It showed how much you loved the art, and how much he loved you. Higher than the sky, deeper than the ocean.

Up until a month ago, Shubman never thought he'd relate to these cliché phrases. But looking at you, he knew he would.

He noticed your eyelids get heavy and the small yet frequent yawns.

It wasn't that you weren't interested in the conversation. You just felt tired.

Thankfully, he saw his sister notice too and averted his eyes back to you.

"Y/n, it must've been a long day. Get some sleep," Shahneel said and you nodded. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

All you could do was nod again and she smiled, telling you a 'good night' and hitting the back of her brother's head before walking out of the room.

You looked at Shubman, wanting to stay awake for longer but your body wouldn't cooperate.

"In sweatpants and t-shirt, you just look like the boy next door, you know," you managed to say with another yawn in the end. That was the aura he was currently giving off.

"And you look beautiful," he said, moving his hand so that he can hold yours on the mattress.

Yeah, in sweatpants and a t-shirt too. "I look like a grocery bag," you mumbled. "Also, I bought this t-shirt when I was about to complete school. That's like six years back and-"

You paused. Yes, you were rambling.

"I think I'm high on melatonin," you said, looking around the room to make sure you're not just nodding off. "My body's producing too much melatonin. No, the brain produces melatonin. Is your body and your brain the same thing?"

You looked at Shubman for an answer but gave up a second later, leaning forward and letting your head fall on his chest.

"Maybe you should go to sleep, baby," he suggested, wrapping his arms around you in a hug.

You hummed in response and lifted your head up to face him.

"I love you," you said sleepily and smiled a little as he placed his lips on yours.

"I love you too, baby," he let your fingers trace his dimples as he whispered in the kiss, sending familiar frills of electricity throughout you. "Always have, always will."

You wrapped your arms around his neck, lips still on his, not letting go until you felt the pillow on the back of your head.

Shubman pulled away first, though he'd rather kiss you than breathe.

His lips made contact with your forehead and that was enough lullaby for you.

"Good night," he whispered again, hoping all you felt was happiness, even in your dreams. Otherwise, he'd look for Morpheus and Hypnos himself.

He pulled the comforter up to your neck, placing another kiss on your forehead.

On his way out, he turned the lights off.

Shubman looked back at your sleeping figure as he stood near the door. Then he smiled again because he knew.

He'd rather die than not love you.

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