13- "Death has come to your little town, Sheriff."

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"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff." ~ Loomis, Halloween

Hazel adjusted to the mansion and its dismal surroundings, as well as the unexpected presence of Məhv Edən, during the next several days.

However, this did not mean that they spoke or even glanced at each other. He ignored her, staring ahead like he had no interest in her existence, and Hazel had not spoken much to him either since she discovered Məhv Edən's use of blood magic to bind her.

When he did say something, it was usually just to tell her to go outside or back inside after the 30-minute walk.

She felt as if she had struck a brick wall in her attempts to devise an escape plan. She knew there was no way out, and hoping that she would be free seemed futile at this point. All she wanted now was to have a normal conversation with someone who did not shoot icy glares at her.

She would run rather than walk during the 30 minutes she was allowed to be outside the mansion.

It was becoming the highlight of her day, a chance to get some physical activity and clear her mind; she noticed her thoughts were less muddled after the exertion.

Hazel pushed herself until her legs cramped and her lungs seared with pain. She wondered whether she was becoming an adrenaline junkie.

Hazel found herself repeatedly combing over the memories that had surfaced, hoping to uncover some clue that she might have missed previously. However, there was nothing more she could find that hinted at her past.

She attempted to recall the lullaby again and again, but it came to her in a staccato rhythm. She could not remember anything but the lovely tune.

So she hummed it to herself while running, saying nothing to the masked fiend behind her.

As long as she was near him, her panic attacks were under control, so she took the opportunity to immerse herself in the memories beneath the expansive open sky. She dared not look up at it.

Even though Hazel could appreciate the view from the safety of her room, the sheer vastness of the sky seemed overwhelming when observed from the outside.

Shielded by walls indoors, she felt secure, but the boundless expanse of the open sky was beyond her comprehension.

She was well aware that not even Məhv Edən would be able to calm her anxiety if she fixated on the sky, so she consciously averted her gaze away from it.

"My dear, you should not let your past take so much hold of you that it stops you from seeking a future."

Her mother's words echoed in her mind repeatedly since the emergence of the latest memory.

Hazel felt strangely relieved that her mother was not present to see her now; she was so defeated and lost.

She was the polar opposite of the person that her mother wanted her to become. Hazel felt as though she had let her down.

After a couple of days, feeling sick and tired of her own thoughts for company, she decided to ring the bell and summon Murata, who had made herself invisible again since Məhv Edən started taking Hazel out to the grounds.

WHISPERED SINS 👑❤️‍🔥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon