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Finally the bell rang and we were free to go to lunch

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Finally the bell rang and we were free to go to lunch. Thank goodness because I haven't eaten all weekend and Charlie always brings me a lunch because she knows my step dad never lets me bring a lunch.

"Haze!!" I looked up to see Charlie already at our usual table in the back.

"Hey Char" I said with my best smile as I sat down.

"Here ya go" She replied while handing me an the extra sandwich.

As we started eating I noticed Kyson and the rest of the Vipers sitting down across from Charlie and I.

Kyson is the leader of the vipers, or at least that's what everyone thinks. No one knows for sure. Shane being his right hand man. And Josh, Seth, Matt and Jaxon being the other members. No one really knows what they do but there are rumors about them beating the hell out of people.

God my life is over.

Charlie of course had no issue with this as she has always had a thing for Shane, why him? I'll never understand.

I looked across the table seeing the group start to eat their lunches. The whole cafeteria was in silence as they witnessed the boys who are known to be rutheless sit with Charlie and I, who most of the school recognizes as losers.

"Kyson what are you doing?" I asked knowing I probably wasn't going to get an answer.

He shrugged his shoulders sending me a light smile.

Knew it.

I continued eating my lunch until Lily made her way over. She's worse than Kyson.

"Hey Kyson what are you doing sitting with these losers, come sit with me and my friends." Lily says shooting me a glare.

"We are good here Lily" Seth answers.

"Whatever, if you want to sit here with the loser" She points to Charlie "And this freak" She points to me "Then go right ahead." She pouts as she walks away sending me a glare.

Charlie and I continued eating like nothing happened as Kyson and his group all stared down Lily.  

Eventually they let it go and we all finished eating just waiting for the bell to ring.

"Hey Haze before you go I forgot to ask, is there anyway you could get a ride with someone else today? My mom text and I have to pick up my little brothers after school and take them to soccer practice" Charlie asks with a pout on her face.

"Yeah of course Charlie don't worry about it!" I reassured her knowing the walk to Juniors isn't bad I just might be a little late but, it should be fine.

"Maybe you should ask Kyson" She yells as she runs down the hall. I rolled my eyes and began heading to my next class.

"Ask me what Gray?" Kyson whispers from beside me.

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