Penelope sings at the Ball

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Penelope's pov

while looking around the ball as many suitors dance with their perspective girl I am in the corner just waiting for my chance however it is now my 3rd year of doing this and I have no prospects I'm just destined to be a spinster I believe. then I caught Colin looking at me so I bowed my head slightly and then went the other direction however I was unlucky as I bumped into Her Majesty the Queen she looked me up and down and said "What is your name miss?" I bowed then said softly "I'm sorry Your Majesty for my name is Penelope featherington," Her Majesty said "You may stand my dear" I stood back up then she said, "Why haven't I seen you on the dance floor miss Featherington?" I looked down and said "I have not had suitors ask for my hand Her Majesty I believe I'm not desirable to anyone here," She said "You my dear are a Rare beauty that will bloom when the time is right and I believe tonight is the night I would like for you to sing for me 5 songs" I looked at her shocked but then bowed and said "my majesty I don't have the best voice to be singing but I shall for you since you have asked me to" she nodded then held her hand out and I gently put mine in hers and then we walked to the little stage near the front of the hall and she looked at the band and they stopped playing as she let go of my hand then walked onto the stage and said "My dear Subjects I have asked Miss Penelope Featherington to sing for me tonight 5 songs and i hope everyone will listen very closely to her voice and see her beauty for it is unwavering" everyone clapped then she walked to me and held her hand out again which i took and went on stage as everyone gasped to see what i was wearing as mama didn't pay attention to me i chose my dress my self.

 then I caught Colin looking at me so I bowed my head slightly and then went the other direction however I was unlucky as I bumped into Her Majesty the Queen she looked me up and down and said "What is your name miss?" I bowed then said softly "I'...

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everyone was looking at me while I was gulping for air I looked around until I saw Colin looking at me and then I calmed down and said while bowing slightly "Thank you Her Majesty for this wonderful opportunity" Her Majesty said "You are welcome dear now please sing for me as well as everyone here" i nodded as she walked off the stage then i looked at Colin again as he mouthed 'breathe pen breathe' so i did then i said "this first song is about how i feel about myself as I've never shown anyone but my dearest/truest friend Eloise Brigerton how i truely feel" the band played and i started singing while looking at Colin with tears in mine eyes but I never let them fall.

"Fat Funny Friend"

I break the ice, so they don't see my size
And I have to be nice, or I'll be the next punchline
I'm just the best friend in Hollywood movies
Who only exists to continue the story
The girl gets the guy, while I'm standing off-screen
So I'll wait for my cue to be comedic relief

Can't be too loud, can't be too busy
If I don't answer now, are they still gonna need me?
Can't be too proud, can't think I'm pretty
Do they keep me around, so their flaws just seem silly?

I say I'm okay, 'cause they wouldn't care anyway
And I could try to explain
But my efforts in vain, they can't relate
To how I've drawn out in Sharpie where I'd take the scissors
If that's what it took for me to look in the mirror
Oh, I've done every diet to make me look thinner
So why do I still feel so goddamn inferior?

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