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January 20th
Key Biscayne, FL

Sitting at the dining room table Cocoa looked around the nice size vintage modern dining room. The dining room of the home that Mocha had just purchased with the help of Mike

It had been over two weeks since they had came back from their first trip of this year. And Mocha had did exactly what she had said she was going to do. Buy and move to another nice part of Florida

And that's exactly where they were now. Looking over the home she had now finished decorating and adjusting to her taste and style. Which Mike always let her do

No matter what home or apartment they had ever lived in. Cocoa took in the scenery liking how it was a nice comfort spacing. Nothing like she had back at her home in Miami Beach

"How much this house ran y'all's pockets?" Peach asked breaking the silence as they stepped into the living room

"A couple millions. But nothing too much. We got it until we find the right land." Mocha explained walking away

"A couple million? Girl you was better off waiting till you found the right property to put that much down on." Peach worded her opinion not leaving anything out how she felt

"We own the house Peach. And Mike said he was going to flip it when we do move. And I'm not buying a land out here. When we build our home it's going to be well out of Florida." Mocha turned around saying as she sat on the sofa

"Well at least y'all thought smartly on that. So where is your man now?" Peach asked sitting on the armrest of the couch

"Doing something with yours. They should be getting back soon. How long they been gone." Mocha spoke up taking a look over at Cocoa

"They sholl have been gone long. Too long if you ask me. Dinner is about to roll around soon. Where's your man ma?" Peach replied now putting her attention on Cocoa

"Back in his city. He'll probably get back home sometime this week or next week." Cocoa shrugged her shoulders not wanting you to talk about it

"Y'all still good?" Mocha asked hoping she wasn't pushing the wrong button

"Yeah we are. Nothing bad happened, he just took the girls back home." Cocoa smiled softly even though it was more to it

It was more to the reason why Wiic went back home. She knew everything, Cocoa just never said anything or brought up anything that she knew little about him doing behind her back

She was more so getting into the peaceful part of her life. Not wanting to backtrack on hurt or pain she didn't even want to think about

Her sisters asking her this question brought her mind back to things she was starting to let go of. Now she felt that she was backtracking on tears she didn't even want to release or bring back after she had shedded some many

"Well if there is something that is really bothering you don't be scared to tell us. We made an agreement, it stays between the three of us. Just speak up when you're ready." Mocha comforted her knowing it was something bothering Cocoa

She was just waiting for Cocoa to speak up and tell them what really was going on. But when she did Mocha was going to be there and help her get through everything. Like an older sister is supposed to

"Thank you guys. I appreciate, but sadly I have to leave Sierra is going to do my hair." Cocoa stood up grabbing her things

"Ok be safe. We love you." Peach blew her kiss as she walked out the door

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