Chapter 12: I Have To Go... I'm Sorry

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A few days later at Aja was walking through town when she stopped at a bar. She went in for a few things and while she was there two people caught her eye but then she left. She went back to the base. "AJA! Where have you been? We've been worried sick about you!" The gang said. "That's none of your business," Aja said. "What's your problem?" Grimm asked. "Excuse me?" Aja asked. "We were worried and all you have to say is that it's none of our business? No, not a good enough answer," Gimm said. "Okay, well that's not my problem," Aja said. "What's up wth you? You've been a real piece of shit lately! We're just trying to help!" Grimm said. "Fine, I was out, no big deal. So you can stop worrying about me. Happy?" Aja said and he grabbed her collar and pushed her against the wall. "Listen here, asshole! We're trying to help you because we can feel your pain! Do you know how much your pain affects us?" Grimm asked. "YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT YOU, SCALY BASTARD!" Aja yelled as she gripped his arms. "I don't want to be the heaviest thing in this base! I don't want to drag all of you down with me! I never wanted to be any of this but I'm fucking here aren't I? You don't know how much I would give to just be normal just to be like you guys. I wish I wasn't born this way. I sometimes wish I was never born in the first place," Aja had tears in her eyes and Grimm put her down. 

"I never ask to be here! I never asked for any of this! Don't act like you feel my pain because you don't feel shit! My pain isn't that I have a curse! I am the curse damn it! My pain is my existence itself! I don't even know who I am! So don't give me that fucking crap like 'I feel your pain!' This pain isn't something you can feel! You can't see my pain! You don't feel my pain, I feel your pity!" Aja was crying and this was the first time they actually saw her cry like this. "I was normal, once. I was happy. I was in love. I was a normal person. I would give almost anything to go back to that life but I can't because it wasn't meant to be. You don't know how many life times I've been through. It's a living hell!" Aja said and walked past them. 

They all watched as Aja walked away. Then someone came up to her and whispered something in her ear. She turned around and bypassed the group. They followed her to the door. Two girls were waiting outside. Aja looked around outside then went out with them. "Who are you?" Aja asked. "Aja?" They asked. "Yeah, that's me," Aja said and they sighed in relief, "Thank god we got to you before he did. We need to go!" "What?! No! Why would I go with you? Because I saw you at the bar? I know nothing about you!" Aja said. "We don't have time to explain, we have to go now. You and everyone in this building is in danger with just you being here," One of them said and Aja didn't say anything. "Fine... you don't trust us. We get it. We'll come and get you at sunrise. Make a decision then. But look, you may not know us, but we know everything about you. We can help you. Just think about it," the other one said. "Wait, what are your names?" Aja asked. "Zadia and Cleo," They left and Aja stood there for a second just thinking. Then she went back in.

Aja went back to the building. "What was that?" She asked herself. "What was what?" Eva asked. "It was just-... nothing, never mind. It was nothing," Aja chuckled, nervously. "Are you sure? It sounded like you were going to say something," Eva said. "Yeah! I'm just tripping. I'm sure it's nothing. You know how I am," Aja laughed. "What was it then?" Eva asked. "It was a familiar feeling that I don't recognize. Something that I haven't had in a long time..." Aja smiled to herself. "...Oh, but don't worry about it! It was nothing, I'm sure! Yeah!" Aja laughed as she ruffled Eva's hair. Then she walked off. "She seems happier," Vallen said. "No, something's definitely wrong. Her moods never change like that," Eva said.

Aja was in the room thinking, 'What am I going to do? How do I tell them? What am I going to tell her?' That night everyone but Aja was asleep in the room. She couldn't sleep. She looked to see the sun rising. She got out of the hammock and then covered Eva back up. She packed her stuff up and got dressed. She even went to the lab to grab the ring and put it in a box. She put the box in her bag and was ready to leave. She was leaving when she saw Eva standing there. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked. "Somewhere. I'll be back later," Aja said. "How long is it going to be this time? A few days?" Eva asked. "I gotta go, Eva. They're waiting for me," Aja said and that caught Eva's attention. "Are they the people you were talking to yesterday? Those two girls? What do they have to do with this? Are you messing around with them behind my back? Are you cheating on me?" Eva asked, with tears in her eyes. "No, I'm not. Cheating on you, but they have something I need," Aja said. "What's that? A better body? What's so important that you can't tell me? Your girlfriend!" Eva was crying but Aja didn't answer. "I thought you loved me! I thought I was your one and only!" Eva yelled and Aja pulled her into a hug.

"You are! I love you so much that this hurts too much to say goodbye. Evangelyne, you're the love of my life and I wouldn't choose anyone over you. But I have to go. You're not safe with me being here. You're all I've ever wanted! But I can't stay. They can help me, help you. It hurts already so don't make it any harder for me, please. This is the choice I have made because I wouldn't forgive myself if anything bad happened to you because of me. I love you so much, but I can't stay," Aja cried as she hugged Eva tightly. Eva pulled her into a kiss. It was a sad goodbye kiss. "We'll see each other again. Okay? I promise," Aja said and Eva nodded. They kissed one more time then Aja left. Eva went back upstairs to the room and everyone started to wake up. She slid down the wall and broke down crying. They all ran over to her asking if she was okay. "She's gone," Eva cried. "Who? Aja? Where'd she go?" Turbo asked. "She's leaving now," Gwen said looking over the balcony. They all ran over and Eva wiped away her tears. "AJA!" They all yelled and she didn't look at them. She put her hat on and kept walking. "AJA!" Eva yelled her name and Aja looked up. "YOU BETTER BRING YOUR ASS BACK ALIVE AND IN ONE PIECE!" Eva yelled and Aja smirked, "You got it, princess. I'll see you, around. Well, let's go. Zadia! Cleo!" Aja said and looked at the two girls. "Right!" They said and started walking. "UNTIL NEXT TIME, LOTUS OASIS!" Aja waved but didn't look back as they walked towards the horizon...


I'm taking a break from this for a bit to write something else so I'm going to leave y'all on another cliffhanger. I'm going to make a part three which will finish the series of this long story that I didn't want to write all at once. It'll be called "Aja's Everything". So wait for part three. Later!


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