5) I've always liked to play with fire

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* Lisa *

Lisa pulled the hood of her black hoodie over her head and glanced in the mirror one last time. Paired with the white FFP2 mask, this would make her a lot less recognizable. Especially since she was wearing simple blue jeans, not uncomfortable K-pop attire.

Just as she turned away from her own reflection in the wardrobe mirror, there was a hesitant knock on the door. Hyunjin entered cautiously.

"Hey, Lisa. I ..." He paused. "Are you heading out?"

"Yeah," she replied casually. "Why? Do you want to come?"

"We're not supposed to go out," Hyunjin protested.

"But I want bubble tea."

He laughed in surprise.

"And I know where to find the best one in Seoul."

"What if you get caught? They'll disqualify us!"

"Sometimes you have to take a risk," Lisa said. "Especially for the best bubble tea in the world!"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"Seriously: Have you never broken the rules? Do you want to be confined in this golden cage forever?"

She gestured demonstratively around the room. "If you want to prevent me from getting caught, you'll have to come with me, whether you like it or not."

Hyunjin shook his head again. "Actually, I wanted to ask if we could talk about the choreography again. I have an idea."

Lisa grabbed her small bag from the bed and slung it over her shoulder. She stopped right in front of Hyunjin.

"We can discuss that on the way to the bubble tea shop."

Hyunjin eyed her skeptically from head to toe. "Do you think that outfit is enough to fool security?"

"And half of Seoul."

"Even then, the other half would still recognize you."

Lisa lightly punched his chest. "You party pooper."

With a groan, she turned around and went to the closet. In a few seconds, she found a black cap and tossed it to him. He caught it effortlessly.

"Now I'll look even more like an idol," he said with a disparaging laugh. "Especially if I wear a mask like you."

Lisa continued to search for one of her XXL shirts, which she always kept for an urgent undercover situation.

"It would be ridiculous if we were both dressed the same. Sort of like a couple's outfit, don't you think?"

She pulled out a black T-shirt on a hanger and held it out to him. On it, there was a print of a white duck holding a beer bottle in its wing. It swayed and seemed to burp bubbles.

"You wouldn't look like an idol in this."

"I'm definitely not wearing that!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

Lisa flashed him a daring smile. "Coward!"

Hyunjin tilted his head and looked at her with his mouth slightly open.

"What do you have to lose?"

"My dignity?"

Lisa laughed.

"Why do you even have outfits like these in your wardrobe?"

"For exactly this kind of situation. When I want to go on a little outing ..."

"... to get bubble tea?"

She nodded and took a step toward him. She let the hanger with the T-shirt sway back and forth.

"Trust me! It's worth it."

Hyunjin looked away from her and bit his lip.

"You'll be safe with me. I have experience ..." Lisa whispered seductively, like the devil incarnate. "No one would expect you to wear something this embarrassing."

She held the T-shirt up to his chest. It would actually fit him. His shoulders were broad, his upper body long. The shirt reached down past her butt, easily allowing her to wear it as a dress if she belted it.

"Rightfully so."

"Swim against the current for once," Lisa whispered. "Take the plunge!"

Hyunjin took a deep breath and then exhaled sharply through his lips.


He snatched the hanger from her hand and removed the T-shirt from it on the way to the bed. She triumphantly clenched her fist and struck a victorious pose.

Hyunjin pulled his white shirt over his head, giving Lisa a clear view of his toned back. He was indeed a 'delicacy', as Rosé had recently called him.

After putting on the T-shirt, he turned to her again. Casually, he put on the cap.

"Now what?"

Lisa couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him. Hyunjin pursed his lips and tilted his head with a serious expression. Quickly, she covered her mouth with her hand to suppress her amusement.

"Sorry. It's just ... I swear! No one will expect it's you ..."

"... and that we're out together ..." Hyunjin finished her sentence.

Conspiratorially, Lisa pointed at him. "... or that you're bold enough to just take off."

"I'm already regreting it," Hyunjin said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey! At least give me a chance to put you in a situation you can regret!"

Hyunjin raised his eyebrows at the print on his T-shirt.

"That's a brilliant move," Lisa said. "You'll thank me for it."

Hyunjin snorted contemptuously. "Sure ... Let's just go before I change my mind."

Lisa beamed from ear to ear.

"Well, then let's go!"

Dance the Night Away [Hyunlix] englishWhere stories live. Discover now