The plan

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Henry, Mickayla and Finnick are up stairs plotting the plan "so step one is done" said Finnick "but Emma just left for Boston, how are we going to make them fall in love if Emma's not even here" Mickayla says doubting the plan. "Don't worry Mick I left the book in her car she'll be back" says Henry with a big smile.

In the morning Emma wakes up with a headache, she looks around and sees she's in a jail cell. "I see your awake" says Marco "so you are Henry's mother, how lovely for him to have you back in his life" "actually I was just dropping him off" Emma says tiredly "don't blame you, they're all brats, who needs 'em" says Leroy from the other cell "well I'd give anything for one, my wife and I we tried for many years, but it was not meant to be" Marco says sadly "well cry me a river" says Leroy. then graham comes in "Leroy if I'm going to let you out you have to behave, put on a smile and stay out of trouble" Leroy smiles and walks away. "Seriously" says Emma "Regina's drinks a little stronger than we thought?" "I wasn't drunk, there was a wolf standing in the middle of the road" "a wolf? Right." "Graham!" Says Cora from the hallway "Henry's run away again we have to-" she pauses when she sees Emma "what is she doing here? Do you know where he is." "Lady I haven't seen him since I dropped him at your house and I have a pretty good alibi" "yeah? Well he wasn't in his room this morning" "did you try his friends?" Emma asked "I asked his sister, and their friend. Regina already went to work" "did you check his computer if he's close to someone he'd be emailing them" "and you know this how?" Said Cora raising her voice a little "finding people is what I do, how about you guys let me out an I'll help you find him"

"Smart kid, cleared his inbox, I'm smart too a little hard disk recovery utility I like to use" "I'm a bit more old fashioned than that" says graham "your on salary I get paid for delivery" Emma types in a little more "huh, a recite for who' it's expensive, he has a credit card?" Cora sighs "he's ten" "well he used one. Let's pull up a transaction record, Mary Margaret Blanchard. Who's Mary Margaret Blanchard?" "His teacher" Cora sighs

Mary Margaret is talking to the kids about bird houses. She lets the bird she's holding go out the window. Suddenly the bell rings "we'll pick this up after recess. No running!" Cora makes her way through the kids into the class room "miss mills what are you doing here" "where's my grandson" Cora demands "Henry, I assumed he was home sick with Regina" "she is at work" Mary Margaret glances over and sees Emma enter the room "did you give him your credit card so he can find her" Cora asks "I'm sorry who are you" Mary Margaret asks Emma "I'm his uh I'm his-" "the woman who gave him up for adoption" Cora interrupts. Then Mary Margaret takes off her purse and starts going through it "you don't know anything about this do you" says Emma "No unfortunately not" Mary Margaret opens her wallet to see her credit card missing "clever boy. I should have never have given him that book" "what in the hell is this book" says Cora "just some old stories I gave the twins, as you well know they are special kids so smart so creative, and as you might be aware lonely the their only friend is basically their brother they needed it" "what they need is a dose of reality. This is a waste of time" Cora storms out knocking some books off a table "have a nice trip back to Boston" she says to Emma "in sorry to bother you" Emma says to Mary Margaret while cleaning up the books "no that's ok this is partially my fault" says Mary Margaret "how's the book suppose to help?" Emma asks "well what do you think stories are for? These stories are classics there's a reason we all know them, there away for us to deal with our world, see they haven't had the easiest life" "yeah she's kind of a hard ass. Her daughter is a lot better" "well it's more than her, he's like any adopted child, he wrestles with the most basic question they all inevitably face why would anyone give me away?" Emma slows down and looks away. Mary Margaret looks at her and says "I am so sorry I didn't mean in anyway to judge you" Emma softly says "it's ok" "look I gave the book to them because I wanted them to have the most Important thing anyone can have... hope, believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing" " you know where he is don't you" "you might want to check his castle."

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