☆14• Baby drug ☆

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Jungkook was standing infront of Samyeong office . He was waiting for Samyeong to come from his office .
Although, he is a busy man but for jimin he take leave from the company because he wanted to take care of jimin who is terribly sick .

As jungkook was drown into his dreams , Dr. Samyeong opened the door and found jungkook standing infront of the door .

“Mr. Jeon , why are you standing outside ? Come inside , I have a terrible news for you . " Samyeong opened the door and both sat down on the chair infront of each other .

“Why are you saying things Samyeong ? Make everything clear . I don't wanted to make assumptions . Is jimin in any danger ? ". Jungkook was breathing heavily as he asked calmly .

“ You don't have to worried mr Jeon as  Mr. Jimin is not in any danger but its serious . I don't know how to say this but did you know that he take drugs or what ? ”. Samyeong asked as he  hesitated to ask something personal.

When Samyeong did check up on the jimin blood , there was sign of a drug named baby drug  . This drug is basically given to someone who doesn't wanted to feel thier sexual desire or something physical . After taking this the person will not feel something physical towards anyone as his feelings will be suppressed by this drug . Jimin never drink alcohol but when in the party he drink so much alcohol it did effect his body becouse there was still effect of drug , and the drug was fading little by little . Jimin was heavily effected by this drug that's why he was sick .

“Samyeong , are you out of your mind ? Jimin is not a drug addict and no he didn't take drug and why he'll take drug " .

" Look , mr. Jeon it's like complicated when someone wants to suppress thier sexual preferences and only wanted to have baby mindset that's why they take this drug .  Basically it's called baby drug , After taking  this the person will not feel any type of physical desire towards anyone for some time . If you take once , it'll effect your body for 5months ". Samyeong explained everything to jungkook who was too shocked to say anything .

“ Look it has been faded from his body because I think he is taking it for a long time . After , it fades he'll be normal but you have to take care of him and don't panic , he'll be ok . You should talk to him . And this is his medicine ". Samyeong give the pocket of medicine to jungkook who was sitting there silently thinking everything that he can .

Jungkook left the hospital and sat down on the car driver sheet and started the car .

He always think that jimin is a innocent boy who never will do something wrong but why will someone take a drug and it's a baby drug . He didn't know why jimin will wants suppress his sexual desire towards someone . But doctor says that he is not taking it for a long time so after thier marriage he didn't take the drug but before he was taking it .
If jimin knows that alcohol will affect his body then why did he take it ? Did jimin really knows or he was not aware of it . Jimin is not someone who will take something this absurd .
Jungkook dont know why? but he was feeling suspicious towards Jimin parents, because if jimin is the one who is taking the drugs then he'll never leave this but if he is not then who was the one who give this thing to jimin . It can be only jimin parents his close one . It was clear why Jimin behave differently . He then turns his car towards mr. Park house and called Mr. Park.

" Hello , mr. Park . Are you home ? I wanted to meet you . Its serious.”. jungkook asked mr. Park very calmly .

“oh, jungkook . I'm in my office but if you wanted to meet me you can come to the company . I don't have meeting in this period so I can meet you . Anyways, what's so serious that you wanted to meet me ". Mr. Park replied in his thick tone .

“ i can't tell you on the phone that's why I'm meeting you . So, I'm coming to the company . I'm ending the call , take care ". With this jungkook ends the call and turn his car towards mr. Park office .

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