Chapter 12: Welcome Home, Mrs. Xiu

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10:30 a.m.

Our private plane landed at NAIA Terminal 1 and as soon as we landed, we immediately went down because I'm really tired. We put our luggage in the trolley and walked through the exit and we saw a welcoming banner for us.

"Welcome back, Mr. & Mrs. Xiu. I'm Daniel Rosales, I will be your personal driver and bodyguard, Ms. Sushmita," he said as he raised his hand to perform a hand shake but Rodney didn't allow me to do it, he performed the hand shake for me.

"Me? Why do I have a bodyguard?" I asked Rodney because I don't like that. I just whispered it into his ear because Daniel was in front of us while we continued walking through the lobby of the airport.

"So that you won't escape from me and it's for your own safety," he said.

"But I can drive myself," I said.

"Yes dear, but I don't want you to get involved in accidents when going around with your friends or whenever you wish to go, so I hired one for you," he said.

"Why? I can't go alone?" I asked him because I'm not really comfortable with bodyguards.

"Sushmita, keep in mind, You're a Xiu now and that means your life can be in danger any moment," he said.

"Why?" I asked because I don't get it.

"You don't know who I really am or my family, do you?" he asked.

"No. Is there something that you want to tell me?" I asked.

"It's a family secret and a private joke but since you're family now, you should know it. I'll tell you when we reach home," he said.

We ride on the SUV again with Daniel on the driver's seat and start the engine nicely.

"Rodney, honey, can we order at Mcdonalds? Drive thru?" I asked him.

"Oh, you want that cheap food again?" he asked.

"Ugh, if you don't like it please don't call it cheap food Rodney, so rude of you," I said and he chuckled.

"Why? I'm just telling the truth," he said while shaking his head. He finds it amusing to annoy me again.

"Even if it's true please, don't say that just because you can buy it," I said as I showed him my resting bitch face.

"You're so moody, alright, we will order there," he said and pointed to Daniel, "Daniel you heard, Mrs. Xiu right?" he said to Daniel and Daniel replied, "Yes sir, we will drive thru at McDonald's. Copy that,"

Rodney looked at me with his annoying face again and I just rolled my eyes.

"Do you really want that Restaurant? I can franchise it for you," he said and I gave him a What-the-fuck look.

"What? I'm serious. I'm very much willing to give everything for my wife. Just tell me what you want, I'll go get that for you, it's in the contract," he said and he was not joking this time.

"No Rodney, you don't have to franchise it for me, I just want to buy their food. That's all," I said.

"Why? I thought you liked it?" he asked.

"There's so many reasons why, I'll tell you some other time," I said.

"But there's something I really want," I added.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I owned a restaurant in Manila but when we got bankrupt, all of my shares including the resto, I gave it all but it wasn't enough to cover up the debts. So, I was forced to close it and I want to restore it again, if it's not too much to ask," I said.

"Well, that's interesting. Alright, we will restore it, I will also franchise your resto and put it into the Xiu Grand Hotel so that we can have some different dishes," Rodney said and my heart jumped in excitement.

"Really?" I asked because it's really what I wanted.

"Yes, anything for you," he said as he stared at me coldly.

"Thank you," I said and pulled myself closer to hug him but he was shocked by what I did so I turned around again and sat properly.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away," I explained.

"You really want to restore it, do you?" he asked.

"Yes, it's the only memory I have left with my mom before she died," I said to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Alright we will restore it, don't worry," he said while touching my cheeks softly.

"What do you want to order Mrs. Xiu?" Daniel asked as he drove us forward to the counter.

"Do you want some too Daniel?" I asked Daniel.

"Yeah, sure," he simply said and I turned to Rodney to ask the same question.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Fine. I'll give it a try," he said.

"Alright, ma'am we will have a chicken fillet ala king with apple pie Mcshare and three regular fries," I said as I asked Daniel, "What's your drink?" and he replied, "Mcfloat,"

"Alright, three Mcfloats and three chicken sandwiches. Oh, and one chocolate sundae for me," I said.

"Alright ma'am, I'll repeat your order. Chicken fillet ala king with apple pie mcshare and three regular fries, three chicken sandwiches and one chocolate sundae. Is that all ma'am?" the cashier asked.

"Yes, thank you," I said and returned back to my seat and Rodney handed me his wallet.

I paid the exact amount that the cashier told me and Daniel helped me get our orders. He was enjoying his chicken burger and Mcfloat while driving while me and Rodney our eating in the backseat.

"It's tasty. Not bad for a cheap food," Rodney said while enjoying his chicken burger and I just nodded at him.

"See? I told you, McDonald's is good. You're just judgemental," I said and had a bite on my apple pie and he just chuckled.

We were entering Las Piñas now as I saw some signage on the road.

"Rodney, where are we going?" I asked because this is way too far from the metro and the businesses we have in Quezon City.

"To home, I owned a property here," he said.

"Really?" I asked. I thought that we were going to live at the Xiu Mansion but no. I guess Rodney doesn't want his family to interfere with us.

As soon as we got there, I was astonished by the big manor that Rodney got but the ambiance was too dark and sad.

"Ladies first?" Rodney said and handed me the key. My hand was shaking, I don't know why but I just got the key and opened the door. My jaw dropped as soon as the door opened.

There was a very big staircase leading to the rooms of the house. It was really big on the inside and there was a living room on the right area and a mini bar on the left to unwind but there are so many curtains everywhere, it's a combination of black, dark blue and silver curtains covering the glass walls. Well, half of the house is made of glass but there is no shade of light, only darkness.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Xiu, this is my hell," Rodney said

I crossed my arms and bit my lip. 

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