Chapter 9

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The next day was gray and threatening to rain. Rose had no intentions of going outside until she looked out the kitchen window and noticed something laying on the ground. Feeling curious, Rose went to see what it was. She was surprised to see it was a crumpled up flower. What was it doing here? Rose wondered with a frown. Was Adam going to give it to her before she turned him down? That couldn't be it though. He had shown no indications that he possessed one. Thinking about it, Rose's eyes widened as she realized who had probably planned on giving her the rose. Without a thought, she ran down the road hoping that nothing was seriously wrong...

Fredrick pounded down on the piano, grateful that no one was around. Even his loud playing though couldn't drown out his thoughts he had about Rose. He still couldn't believe she had betrayed him. Actually though, if he was being honest with himself, he could believe it. He just didn't want to. He had finally believed that there was someone out there who loved him, only to be brought harshly back into reality. No one could ever love someone like him. Especially Rose...

Rose burst through the opera doors and looked frantically around for Fredrick. He wasn't at the piano so maybe... Rose rushed up to the rafters just in time to see Fredrick returning to his room. "Fredrick!" She cried. Fredrick paused and turned around. "Rose?" He asked, looking surprised. "Fredrick!" Rose called running over to him (she completely forgot her fear of heights in the moment). "Fredrick. Are you alright?" "What?" Fredrick said stunned. "I saw the rose laying on the ground near my house. I figured you were the one going to give it to me, but it was just...laying there." Fredrick shook his head as to clear it. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I was worried that something had happened." "Something did happen" Fredrick replied, his eyes growing cold. "What happened?" "You did." "Me?" Rose asked confused. "Yes you. I let you into my life only to have you break my heart." Rose shook her head. "I don't understand." "I saw you with another man. You seemed completely smitten with him." "Adam?" "Oh so his name is Adam." "Yes but- "Well I'm glad you love Adam instead." "Love him? I don't love him. I don't even know him." "Lies!" Fredrick cried. "All of it!" "Fredrick please. You don't understand." "No I understand. I understand perfectly. I knew it was too good to be true to have someone like you love me." "But I do love you!" Fredrick shook his head. "You can't love us both." "I don't!" "I know. You're going to choose someone with good looks over me. You're just like your grandmother." Rose's eyes widened in hurt. "You don't even know her!" "I don't need to. Erik loved her and she broke his heart." "Maybe" Rose admitted. "But I would never do that to you!" "You already have." Fredrick chuckled humorlessly. "It seems to run in the family." "Fredrick- "Go now Rose. I never want to see you again. I'm surprised you came to see me. Go back to your perfect life." "My life has never been perfect" Rose argued. "And it probably never will be, but it would be so much closer with you in it." "Too late." "Fredrick" Rose said, reaching for him. "I said leave!" Fredrick cried, jumping up with his hands raised. In the process he hit Rose's cheek. His eyes widened in horror. He hadn't meant that. He would never hit a woman. "Rose" Fredrick said, reaching for her. Rose shook her head and stepped back. Tears were falling down her face. "Rose" Fredrick said gently. "I don't know what I did to you, but whatever it was, I'm sorry." "Rose-"I'll leave you alone. Goodbye" Rose whispered before fleeing. "Rose!" Fredrick yelled but she was gone. He contemplated going after her, but she deserved it...Didn't she?

 Rose ran outside and by now it was pouring. She didn't care though. She continued to run. She could feel her heart beating wildly and she was quickly running out of breath but still she kept running. It wasn't until she reached the front of her house that she collapsed. Luckily her aunt was home and noticed her. She ran outside and gathered Rose into her arms as she yelled for help. A man who was walking by noticed and ran over to Rose and her aunt. After a few words, he picked Rose up and carried her inside. Meanwhile, Rose's aunt called the doctor and prayed that he would be able to come quickly.

The doctor came to look over Rose and the diagnosis wasn't good. She had caught a fever which caused her heart to race. There was no way the doctor could slow it down. He told Rose's aunt to put a damp cloth on her forehead to help cool her down but other than that, Rose just had to fight through it. Basically, it was up to Rose whether she lived or not. Rose's aunt begged her to live and Rose tried her best, but it looked like it wouldn't be enough.

Rose opened her eyes, feeling weaker than she had in a long time. Her fever was gone but her heartbeat was faint. She was dying. Rose thought about if there was anything she wanted to do before she died, and she realized she wanted to see Fredrick one last time. She could hear the rain had stopped so that was good. She looked to see her aunt sitting next to her sound asleep. If she was quiet, maybe she could sneak past her. Rose sat up and the room began to spin. She closed her eyes and willed it to stop. When she opened them again, the room was still. Now she just had to get up. Moving one inch at a time, Rose managed to sit up at the edge of her bed. As she tried to stand on shaky legs, she almost fell down. No. I can do this Rose thought. She put one foot in front of the other and slowly made her way out of the house. I'm coming Fredrick she thought...

Fredrick was hunched over the piano crying. He had followed Rose home to check on her was devastated to hear that she was sick. He wanted to be there for her, but he figured he was the last person she wanted to see, so he was here at the opera house instead. He was crying because it was all his fault. If he hadn't have yelled at Rose, she wouldn't have run out into the rain and gotten sick. Despite her breaking his heart, he still loved her and didn't mean to cause her ailment. Suddenly, Fredrick heard singing...

"I am your shadow. I am your rain. I am your longing, a little of your pain. I am red. I am blue. I am your angel, I am in you. Angel...Angel..." 

It was Rose! Fredrick jumped up and watched shocked as Rose sang and walked down the aisle and up to the stage. "Rose?" Fredrick asked uncertainly. Rose went over and caressed his face while she continued to sing. Then the turned to face the front of the stage like she was giving a performance, but it was only for him. Fredrick listened in stunned amazement as he heard her sing. He had never heard her sing like this before. It was as if she was singing like her life depended on it. When Rose was done, Fredrick got ready to clap, but Rose quickly grabbed her chest and collapsed to the ground. "Rose!" Fredrick cried, running over to her. "Rose! Are you all right?" He asked as he cradled her in his arms. "Fredrick" Rose said weakly. "Rose. What are you doing here? You should be in bed." "Fredrick I-I'm dying." "No you're not. We just have to get you back in bed." "No. I won't make it back home. Please. Let me stay here with you." "Rose. What can I do?" "Nothing. It's my heart. I'm a walking heart attack remember?" Rose asked, chuckling weakly. "No Rose. You're going to live." "Fredrick. I'm sorry that you think I loved Adam. I don't. I only love you." "I know Rose. I realize that now. I'm sorry." "It's okay. I forgive you." Rose smiled. "Now I can die happily." "No Rose! You're not going to die!" "It's okay Fredrick. We'll see each other again one day. I know it." "Rose!" "I love you Fredrick. Goodbye." With that, Rose closed her eyes. "Rose!!!.." 

After shedding all his tears, Fredrick carried Rose's limp body back to her house. When her aunt saw them, she threw a fit. "Who are you and what have you done to my Niece!?" "I have done nothing to your Niece. I loved her very much. She died in my arms." "No!" Rose's aunt cried. Fredrick carefully put Rose in her aunt's arms and walked away. There was nothing more he could do.

Rose's body was taken back to London and buried with her family. It was cold and wet at her funeral and there wasn't a dry eye. Everyone who loved Rose was there... Well, almost everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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