Chapter 1

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The train blew its whistle once more as people exited it. The train letting people off was a common sight, but today there was someone special getting off. Her name was Rose. Anyone around the train station who happened to glance at her realized she was a very pretty girl. She had black curly hair and wore it as a side ponytail. 

She looked completely innocent, but that wouldn't stop the men of Paris from wanting her. "Oh Auntie, I can't believe we're here!" Rose exclaimed looking around with brightness in her eyes. "I've always wanted to come to Paris." "Well I thought it would be good if we came back to your roots" Rose's aunt replied. 

After getting her fill of seeing what she could, Rose turned to see her aunt struggling with her luggage bag. "Oh Auntie, let me help" Rose said reaching for it. "No dear I got it" the old woman said setting the bag down. She started to reach for the other bag still on the train, but the conductor grabbed it for her instead. 

"Oh thank you sir" the woman replied. "My pleasure" the conductor said tipping his hat towards her. How kind Rose thought. Too bad he can't come with us to carry the bags. Just as she thought this, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

 She turned to see a man around her age with brown hair, He looked like he was in a much lower class than Rose, but she still gave him her full attention. "May I help you carry your bags miss?" He asked. "Why that would be lovely! Thank you." The young man smiled at her before grabbing the bags.

 "Auntie, this young man has volunteered to help with the bags" Rose said. "Oh how kind. Thank you." The man nodded still smiling at Rose. Rose knew he was probably infatuated with her and she didn't want to take advantage of that, but it still was nice to have his help. 

"Where do you live?" The man asked as they started walking away from the station. "Not too far down the road" Auntie replied. "I like to live near the station and watch the trains go by." The man simply nodded. He wanted to save his strength for carrying the surprisingly heavy bags. 

A few minutes later they reached the house. "What a lovely house Auntie" Rose said. "Oh don't be so kind. I know you came from bigger." "No I like it Auntie. Really I do. Living in a big house got lonely sometimes." Knowing better than to discuss Rose's home more, her aunt turned towards the young man and thanked him. "You're welcome" he replied setting the bags down. 

"Let me pay you" Rose said, fishing around in her purse for some coins. "No. Don't do that. I didn't do this to get paid." "You don't want anything? Rose asked looking surprised. "Well, maybe I could come over for dinner sometime" the man said, looking sheepish. "I don't live too far away." 

"I think we can do that" Rose's aunt said. "Come when I've made a fresh apple pie." "Will do the man said. He gave Rose one last smile before leaving. "Ahh to be young and pretty again" Rose's aunt said. "Men will do anything for you." "Auntie Rose said, blushing slightly. "Don't be embarrassed. Enjoy it while you can." "Okay" Rose said quietly. Now she thought. How to get the bags inside...

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