Chapter 3

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The next day Rose thought carefully about her dream. For some reason she felt like it was calling her back to the opera house. But that would be impossible right? "Auntie. Can I go out today?" "Of course. It's a lovely day. I have a few things to do though." "Oh no it's okay. I was thinking of going out by myself." 

Rose's aunt looked at her questionably. "Why? Do you not enjoy my company anymore?" "Of course not! I love your company!" Rose's aunt smiled. "I'm just messing with you. Of course you can go out on your own. Just be careful not to get lost. Paris is a big place." "I won't. Thank you." Rose's aunt nodded in reply. 

Once Rose finished breakfast she headed outside. Just like her aunt had said it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. As much as Rose wanted to stay outside, she knew she had to go to the opera house first. That way maybe she could get rid of the urge to go there...

Unlike the day before, the opera house was filled with people. People rushed by either wearing a costume or carrying one. They must be putting on an opera soon Rose deduced. Not wanting to be noticed, Rose slipped into the shadows. 

Before long she found herself backstage. From there she could see people rehearse on stage. Rose was so into the performers she barely noticed when someone called out to her. "Hey you! You girl!" "What?" Rose said, turning to see a man looking at her. 

Rose was afraid of what the guy wanted, but walked over to him anyways. "What were you doing back there? Shouldn't you be getting ready to perform?" "Perform?" Rose asked confused. "When are you on?" "On? I don't-" "Name" the guy said, looking down at his clipboard. 

"Rose" she answered quietly. "There is no Rose on my list. You must be an understudy then." "No I'm not" Rose said taking a step back. "I came here by accident. I should go." "Oh no you don't" the man said grabbing for her. 

Luckily, a sandbag dropped and hit him on the head. "Ahh!" Rose yelled jumping back as he fell down. Not wanting to be accused for hurting him, Rose turned to run away. She ran into someone though and when she looked up she gasped. 

It was a man who had blond hair and wore a white mask. Rose wanted to scream but the man put a finger to his lips signaling for her to be quiet. Then he grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She could hear people yelling at her, but she let the strange man lead her away to safety... Hopefully. 

The strange man opened a door which led to a flight of stairs. He started climbing them and because he still held her hand, Rose had to follow. She quickly gathered up her dress and hoped not to trip. Heaven knows she was clumsy. 

The strange man continued to lead her and Rose quickly caught a glimpse of the stage below. We must be in the rafters she thought. She turned back to the man to see him open another door and before Rose could ask any questions, she was pulled inside. 

Inside there was a window with a bed next to it. There was also a red velvet couch. The walls were covered with paintings and Rose couldn't believe how lovely they were. The man who had rescued Rose now eyed her carefully. 

He knew she would have many questions and he knew he would be hesitant to answer any of them. When Rose finally did ask a question, he was thrown off guard. "Did you paint these pictures?" What? Was that really what she wanted to know? Not why he hid his face behind a mask? Or what he wanted with her? 

Rose turned to face him expectantly. "Um yes" he said. "They're lovely." "Thank you. I have a lot of free time." "I'm Rose she said holding out her hand. The man eyed it but didn't move forward. "Fredrick" he said. Rose pulled her hand back seemingly not hurt by him impoliteness. 

"Nice to meet you Fredrick. Thank you for saving me." "Is that it?" Fredrick asked. "That's all you're going to say?" "What do you want me to say?" Rose asked looking confused. "Aren't you going to ask why I wear this mask?" Fredrick asked, pointing to it.

 "I thought it would be rude. I can ask if you want." "No don't. You should go" Fredrick said, opening the door. "But I just got here." Fredrick looked at Rose like she was crazy. "Um maybe I should go" Rose said quietly. Fredrick sighed. 

"Listen. I only saved you from that guy because I already dislike him. I won't be saving you again. You shouldn't poke around in places where you don't belong. Understand?" Rose nodded. "Good now go" Fredrick said gesturing for her to leave. 

Rose felt humiliated but didn't show it as she started to leave. Just before she passed him, Rose said: "I do feel like I belong here though, ever since I first got here." Then she left. Fredrick watched her leave in disbelief. Never had he met someone who wasn't afraid or disgusted by him. Maybe if she did come back he would let her stay. This was his opera house after all...

Rose was still trying to process what had happened as she walked back to her aunt's house. Who was the strange man and why was he wearing a mask? He reminded her of the legendary phantom of the opera, but if the phantom really was a man like some people said, then there was no way he could still be alive. 

"How was your walk?" Rose's aunt asked when she walked in. "Good" Rose said putting on a smile. "Refreshing" she added. "Good. Lunch is almost ready. I'm just setting the table." "Okay. I'm going to go freshen up." 

Rose slowly walked to the bathroom and splashed water on her face from the sink. This felt much more refreshing than her so called "walk." Rose looked up in the mirror above the sink to find her cheeks flushed and her skin slightly pale. 

 Good thing her aunt hadn't looked closely at her. She would have had a fit. Rose stared at her reflection wondering if the "phantom" liked what he saw. Wait. Why am I thinking that? "Rose! Lunch is ready!" "C-Coming!" Rose said and she quickly dried her face and went out to the kitchen. Maybe lunch would bring her back to reality...

Rose could feel herself eating her food mechanically. All she could think of was the mysterious man in the mask. "Rose? Rose..." "What?" Rose said looking up at her aunt. "Are you okay?" "Yes" Rose said putting on a smile. "Sorry. I was distracted." "It's okay" her aunt said but she still looked at Rose carefully. Rose ignored her gaze and continued eating...

That night Rose did not have any dreams and slept peacefully. Meanwhile, Fredrick was having the opposite problem. He was trying to sleep, but a certain girl with black hair and brown eyes was haunting his dreams. 

Groaning, he decided to get up. "What is wrong with me?" He asked himself frustrated. "I've never thought about someone before. Especially a girl I just met." Sighing, Fredrick put on his mask and slipped into the night. 

The town was quiet and Fredrick figure everyone was sleeping but still kept his guard up. He did not want to run into anyone. He stopped at a flower shop and took the biggest, reddest rose he could find. Then he taped money to the shop's door and continued down the path. 

Now he just had to find where Rose lived He had followed her home earlier, but all the houses looked the same, especially at night. Cursing himself for his so-so memory, he laid the rose on the doorstep he thought was Rose's and disappeared into the night.

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