Chapter 5

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"A rebellion? Here? You really think so?" I whisper, not wanting anyone to overhear the treasonous conversation. Crystelle nods slightly. "I know it's not expected, but I bet some of the other districts are already rebelling. But they won't tell us that." I nod. The Capitol had always been paranoid of rebellion. If one was sparking, they would try to quell it as fast as possible, before word got out. Quell. "The Quarter Quell!" I whispered to Crystelle. Her dark brown eyebrows quirked as she thought then her eyes widened. "What do you think they're going to do?" I just shake my head.

"Whatever it is, they're going to try to quell the rebellion in the districts." I sigh and turn to go talk to Mom about the celebration and Victory Tour, but I turn back around when I feel a vice-like grip on my forearm. I turn back to Crystelle and my eyes meet hers. "The trains. We could steal a train."

"But they're so heavily guarded."

"Not after the Hunger Games. They'll need a ton of luxury goods being shipped off to the Capitol. You already have to help load the trains, and they let volunteers help." I see where her thoughts are going. "Do you really think we can sneak onto the train?" Crystelle just shrugged. It's honestly a really good idea, but I'm just worried about the consequences if we get caught. "You'd just leave your family?" She just shrugged, and her face crumbled. Clearly I had hit a sensitive subject. "They really don't get it, they don't understand. They were never close to Glimmer, or really even me for that matter. They think the Hunger Games are some perfect little party. They don't realize how much Glimmer's death is killing me inside." I see the tears start to pool in her eyes again, and I'm not surprised. Without really thinking, I step forward and hug her tightly, her tears running down my shoulder. It was almost an instinct, comforting people through grief. What was worse is when people Mom knew would come in and start crying, like they lost something. I bet that Glimmer didn't even know their names, yet we were expected to comfort them? I knew it was wrong of me to be upset, but my entire household had been upset since Glimmer died. The only good thing that came of it was Crystelle. The beautiful, sweet girl that was crying in my arms. I felt like I was just taking care of her, for Glimmer.

Flicker's Perspective

I poked my head, just barely, out of my room. There, I see my brother hugging my sister's best friend. I can see that she's crying, but it still makes me angry. Sparkle could never replace Glimmer. How come Crystelle didn't see that? Sure, Sparkle was a good brother, but Glimmer was probably the world's best sister and the best best friend Crystelle could ever want. I picked up the nearest object, which happened to be a shoe, and threw it angrily at the wall.

Crystelle's Perspective

"Did you hear that?" I asked, stepping away from Sparkle awkwardly. I had already gotten so used to his presence, and even though I liked him, I didn't want to betray Glimmer. Sparkle nodded. "It's probably Flicker."

"You stay here, I'll go talk to him." I tuck my hair behind my ear and walk to his bedroom. There, I knock gently on the door. "Go away, you're not Glimmer!" He shouts.

"I know, I know I'm not Glimmer. I'll never be Glimmer. But I am going to be around a lot, and I don't want you to be upset." I said gently. I heard Flicker scoff.

"Whatever, just go back to your boyfriend." I jumped back from the door like it was explosive and hit my head on the wall behind me. I was sure my face was bright red, and I just hoped beyond hope that Sparkle didn't hear that. "Are you okay?" Sparkle said, looking at me like he was trying not to laugh, but also with concern. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just forgot there was a wall here." I said, turning around and poking the wall. Perhaps the stupidest thing I could have done, but I was sure I was still beet red and I didn't want Sparkle to notice how I was embarrassed and wonder why. The only person I would talk to about this was Glimmer, but she was gone now. The thought made a single tear drip down my cheek, but I swiped it away. If I was always crying, how could I expect Flicker not to? As hard as it was, I had to try to stop always thinking about Glimmer. I had to focus on the rebellion.

Crushed : A Hunger Games StoryWhere stories live. Discover now