Welcome to Acronis ( the creation of the realm)

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In a world where every species cohabit among each other, harmony and peace is an idea that can not possibly be achieved. It's an uncomplicated concept yet so hard to ever put in practice. Bloodshed, conflicts and hostility are the way of living in this impoverished the realm for more than centuries. It's a way to show power, respect and assort dominance to create fear amongst each other. However that was not constantly the case. At the very beginning when the forces from above decided to collude to make this world, every species and race was living near to an utopia.

The genesis occurred when Chaos itself determined that he wanted something new for a change. So out of boredom he made his kids Gaia, Tartaros and Nyx collide to create the Acronis (the world). He later realized that the Acronis was a little too dark so he decided to add Ouranos to bring some light to that world. All together they create heaven, earth, the underworld and the night and day phenomenon. 

The five lived in harmony and peace amongst each other. Until they come to the conclusion that it's been a lonely world with nothing around. So they all wanted to bring in some childrens so the Acronis would be more occupied. Each of the children would have their unique differences and marks making them essentiel for this world to not be ruined.  

Gaia is seen as the mother of earth. Chaos saw her as one of the most important to make this realm livable. She was the figure of nurture, care and love. She was in charge of the land and the realms. That's why she created the clan of the giant, humble and sweet children with incredible physical strength that could compete with the gods themselves. 

She nourished their beliefs in kindness but gave them though love to teach them how to work for what they want. That's why they are nice and kind but will fight against injustice. The oldest of her children, the one they now call the original once was blessed with 4 arms and a blue azure skin making it shine in the day. 

Her youngest children would come in every shade of color depending on the sun and will have 2 arms. Gaia is also the mother of most of the big land animals. That's why most giants are very in touch with nature and most land creatures. They see most of them equal.

Ouranos was known for his huge ego because he was seen as one of the most pulchritudinous (beautiful) of Chaos offspring. As the ruler of the heavens he had his way to view things with his superiority complex. So indubitably he wanted to create the perfect children. Children to be proud of, children that he could look every day up to who could never disappoint him. Children of his own images. He wanted them to represent purity, beauty and pride.

Ouranos knew how handsome he was and wanted his children to represent himself and his personal shine as much as the light he gives off. That's why he created the goddesses clan, his beloved daughters are his first children. The precision i wich he created his daughter in was so accurate that they were above perfection in his eyes. He wanted his perfect little once to have subordinates so he created his second children.

They were called angels. Angels were the second one and stayed on that exact rank. They are only there to serve their oldest so they owe them respect and loyalty. The goddesses were recognized with their 4 pairs of wings as big as a giant and their majestic golden white hair that shines more than the day light itself. Angels looked way different than their older once. 

They had 4 wings who were not even half the size of their older ones and came in every shape they wanted. Ouranos blessed his favorites with an immense power that could be blinded by every single soul. Their powers are shaped by their own desires and hardship. Angels have similar powers but are very much reduced, but that was done with a reason. He wanted his youngest to understand the supremacy of their oldest and to feel the difference in power. So making them less powerful was a way to make sure they would never turn against their oldest.

Tartaros was more humble on his side. He was always portrayed as a villain but he was just wise and daring. For his children he created his own spot called the Tartarus. He wanted his kids to represent the hardship, fear and to be fed by the sadness of the earth and merge themselves with the darkness. His kids had to represent the fear he had when he was younger. Tartaros had multiple children he had in fact so much that he decided that he would let his first one rule over the rest. His first one being no other than the demons themselves. After them you have the dark elves and the second born. 

All his other children went under one big name, that one being monsters. Every one of his children were his beloved once but his oldest must be the head of them to teach the rest how to behave and take care of every problem their siblings would be having, but unlike angels monsters and dark elves have their own will but they owe loyalty to the demons. Tartaros was so happy with his children he blessed them all on their own way with great powers and strength. Shapes is something he didn't care much about so he gave the free will to decide that temselves. 

Nyx was the oldest child of chaos and is known to be the calm one. Chaos always praised her wiseness and made sure she was always honored at her right worth. She was the last one who created her beloved little sweethearts. Not wanting to discrimination between both of her sweethearts she decided to create equally and at the same time. That's why in every book they are referred to as the twins of Nyx. One of the two were named fairies and the other were the lightelfs. Her children were known to be as wise as her and blessed by her at every given opportunity. Nyx is also the creator of all other animals who are placed in the seven seas and the five given lands. That's why her fairies are the protectors of nature and animals, moreover why their powers are forces of the Acronis. Fairies are sorted by the given power they received. The forces being fire, earth, wind or water. Her other twin had another purpose. Compared to the fairies, elfs are the protectors of the fairies. Their deep bond with them makes their strength and their love based on their equalities makes their desire to keep their twin safe. Elves are powerful beings because their source of powers are the night and their intellectual capacities surpasses most other beings.Them being so peaceful is the reason why Nyx has no favorites and made sure to protect her children till the end of chrono(the times) to make sure they always live well.

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