Meet Hot shot

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Hot shot is a playful and active five year old. lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. They live in Fort Worth Texas.

Heatwave his father is a firefighter who works at the local fire department. He is a very brave and strong. He is also kind and gentle too. He has helped save many lives. He has the respect of his fellow firefighters and first responders. He helped teach Hot shot about fire safety. He also taught Hot shot how and when to call 911. Hot shot was very smart and understood. That made Heatwave very proud. He is a very loving and loyal husband and father. He loves his wife and son very much.

His mother Quickshadow is a stay at home mother. She is very kind and patient. She is also very understanding and smart. She does a good job at taking care of the house. She is a great cook and baker. She makes very tasty food and desserts. She runs errands such as shopping. She makes sure the house stays as neat as a pin. She takes good care of her son Hot shot. She is a very loving and devoted wife and mother. She loves her husband and son with all of her heart.

Hot shot is a highly active and playful boy. He loves to run, jump, climb and play. He loves to run around. He loves to play sports, he does tee ball, soccer, gymnastics and swimming. Hot shot also loves animals, and Pokemon. He loves to ride his bike. He loves to jump on his trampoline. He is a child who is always on the move. He also loves to play video games. But Hot shot knows when it is time to be still and he will stay still. He is a very kind, caring, smart, honest, and loving boy with a big heart. He loves his family very much.

Hot shot has other family members too. He has his grandparents on his father's side. He calls them Pawpaw and Granny. They live in Portland Maine. Hot shot and his parents visit them a few times a year. Hot shot also has his Aunt Hightemp and Uncle Firebreak on his father's side. They are his father's older sister and brother in law. He has three cousins from his aunt and uncle, Blazestrike, Heatup and Firebreak Jr. they are all older than him. They all live in Detroit Michigan. They sometimes visit them too. He also has his grandparents on his mother's side. He calls them Grandad and Grandmum. They live in London England. They sometimes visit them a few times a year too. Hot shot also has his uncle on his mother's side. Murray is his mother's twin brother. He lives in Hollywood California and he is very wealthy and often spoils Hot shot on special occasions. They sometimes visit him too. The family loves each other very much and know it is important to stick together no matter what.

His father Heatwave has three very close friends since childhood. Boulder, Blades and Chase, they are like brothers to Heatwave. Boulder made Hot shot's playset. Chase gave Hot shot one of his favorite picture books. Blades gave Hot shot a plush eagle. Hot shot calls them his uncles out affection. They often come to special occasions and help out whenever they can. They are very close to the family.

Hot shot was going to start kindergarten in the fall.

Hot shot lives a very normal life. He was very healthy too. Hot shot gets a few bumps cuts, scrapes and bruises. But that was normal for a highly active child. Hot shot almost never got a fever or a cold. Hot shot only has been to the doctor for wellness exams. He is a very healthy child and his parents are happy about that.

Hot shot was unaware of what was about to happen to himself. He didn't know he was also going to make four life long friends as well.

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