Meet Hoist

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Hoist a playful, sweet and kind five year old. He lives with his parents Towlaunch and Linecross. They all live in Fort Worth Texas.

His father Towlaunch works for a big company. He is the vice president of the company and he works very hard. He helps Hoist whenever he can. He does his best to make sure his family has the things they need. He is a very loving and loyal husband and father. He loves his wife and son very much.

His mother Linecross is a comic artist who works at home. She is very kind and helpful. She is very artistic. She has made many wonderful comics that people enjoy. She encourages Hoist to be creative. She is very loving and devoted wife and mother. She loves her husband and son with all of her heart.

Hoist a very playful and creative boy. He loves to run, jump, climb and play. He loves to paint, draw, and color too. He also loves to make things with his hands. He is a very clever boy. Hoist also loves animals, dinosaurs and Pokemon. Hoist could also be very shy and reserved. But he is a very loving boy who could be very brave.

Hoist has other relatives too. He has his grandparents on his father's side who live in Orlando Florida. He called them Grandpa and Grandma. His family would visit them when possible. He had his grandparents on his mother's side who he calls Peepaw and Meemaw. They live in Atlanta Georgia. They visit them whenever possible too.

Hoist was soon going to start Kindergarten in the fall.

Hoist has always been very healthy too. Hoist sometimes got bumps, cuts, scrapes and bruises like any other child. Hoist rarely got sick. He never been to the ER and he only been to the doctor for check ups. His parents were glad he was such a healthy child.

Hoist didn't know what was about to happen to him. He also didn't know he was going to make four live long best friends too. 

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