POLL and BIO [Poll ended]

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This is a male reader fanfic, and since this is a male reader fic, I decided to give the readers some control on what they wanna... wanna I guess, also inspired by CrimsonSwitch so check them out


Y/N Crescent


The Destruction

Quantum and Lightning


Special powers>

Unknown eyes-->
Y/N's eyes are a orange color with a darker orange following around his pupil. His eyes boost sense wise due to his unique heritage and also due to an energy source from his home planet, the energy source known as 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲. These eyes give him superhuman strength, speed, and agility by themselves, and due to Y/N's heritage, these powers are boosted to an even greater extent. He can even control people to a certain extent to do his bidding.

Healing Factor-->
Due to his unique Heritage, belonging to 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲, Y/N has a decent healing factor. Small cuts, bruises, and slices are healed instantly, and should he get injured to a dangerous level, this power also hardens his molecules permanently, basically meaning cuts from kitchen knives and punches won't damage him.

An ability that Y/N hasn't found out about yet.



Stellaron Hunter [comment here to count as a vote]

Trailblazer [comment here to count as a vote]

Both [Comment here to vote]


Y/N maintains a composed, professional manner while being cool, collected, intelligent, and graceful. He is well-versed in many topics, particularly medicine. Among the trailblazers/Stellaron hunters [whichever side wins the vote], his gentler and more conversational side is evident. However, this may change one day...



Harem [vote here to count as a vote]

Single interest [Vote here to count as a vote]

none [vote here to count as a vote]



Y/N's preferred weapon

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Y/N's preferred weapon. Is usually held in a reverse grip by him.



{The looks are completely up to you, the reader, however, for those who don't have a person in mind, please imagine yourself looking like this]

Imagine yourself looking like Thor for GOW:R but imagine young anime teenage boy Thor, if you can see what I mean. You would have the tattoos, hairstyle, etc. weapon wise you would have a sword instead of a hammer but would still have the same art work as the hammer had and instead of traditional purple lightning, your lightning would be blue,

{Like I said, the looks are completely up to you if you don't wanna use this. I would also like to mention, prepare for JJK gender-bent crossovers that could be potential interests, lover or ally wise}

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