Lost in Love

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Andy POV

My heart is beating a million miles per hour. I actually did it I asked Y/N to marry me. Im so scared that she is going to say no. "Yes! I will marry you!" She said. My heart skipped a beat when I heard her say that. I got up from kneeling down and I gently put the ring on her finger. I have a smile from ear to ear and so did she. All the guys start cheering. I pulled my soon to be wife into a tight embrace. And a little kissing season until Ashely interrupted. "Ewww get a room" he said like a 5 year old. Y/N and I laugh. "Don't worry Ashley we have a room" she said. Ash just winked.



I woke up to see a sleeping Andy. I tried to pry his arms off of me but failed. "Nooo dont leave me I'm so cumfy" he said in a cute groggy voice. I giggled then got up to get a shower. After my nice relaxing shower I got out and walked into the room. To see Andy putting on his close. "Like what you see soon to be Mrs. Biersack". He said with a chuckle. I felt a huge smile on my face as I walked up and kissed Andy. "We should start planing our wedding" he said, coming put behind me and pulling me into a small hug. "Yes we should" I replied.

Andys POV

"So when to you want to have the wedding?" Y/N asked. "Next week" I replied. "NEXT WEEK!?!?" She said. "Yeah I dont want to wait longer then that I want you to be mine forever" I said then kissed her. "Awe okay fine" she relied.

(A/N yea im gunna skip making wedding plans cuz idk how to plan a wedding)

**Wedding Day***


"Im so nervous" I said to Jinx. "Its okay Andy's is too but everything will be fine" Jinx said which called me down a bit. "Hey is time for the bride to walk down the aisle" Ashley said and winked. My heart felt like it was going to jump put of my chest. I heard the music start playing. When Jinx walk me down the aisle. Man I wish my parents could still be here to see this. I got up to Andy to see him smiling like a weirdo. Which made me giggle slightly.
Then the priest spoke "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Y/N Y/L/N and Andrew Denis Biersack in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace" Right after that some one shouted "STOP THE WEDING!!". The voice sounded very familiar....

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